BWoWoF AU - Main



North America (Exact location is 41°35'46"N 82°41'14"W ), Earth


The Enthralia Pack was started by Maiznik and a small group of her friends as a small, private Pack for them and their families. Eventually, everyone left except her, Luiko, and Zahraj. It stayed private until an event that concluded with both of them becoming wanted felons because they decided to keep their son after he caught Nychta Disease, which -- because the disease is so deadly -- is a very, very big crime. They didn't care about that law because they were determined to try and keep their son alive. Afterwards they got together with a few other Kahvs that had gotten in trouble or just down right hated TCC. A few weeks later a Kymari spaceship had landed on their world and they were able to escape on the spaceship by hiding using Luiko's invisibility powers to create a sort of barrier or shield for them to use to hide in a side room that was barely used. They were nearly caught before escaping and a fight broke out between the Enthralia Pack and the rest of the Kahvs that were present. Luiko was hurt badly in that fight and eventually died later on in the spaceship before they were found.

They were later found by Xylda, a Kymari who worked as an Animal Behavior and Control Specialist. She was able to convince both her kin and the Kahvmas not to kill each other immediately and they were able to talk through the problem with minimal violence. The Kymari felt bad for Enthralia Pack's situation and also saw how useful they could be in helping with Animal Control. The two groups eventually made an agreement, Enthralia Pack would help with Animal Control and in return the Kymari would give the pack a place to live. Xylda was designated to be their "caretaker" as she was most eligible to care for the pack, and she was granted a small island that had been a Nature Preservation where she and the pack could live. They're still there on the island with Xylda and their agreement has only been slightly changed since it was first made.

~Pack Members~

TH Folder

Total Count

All: 11

(15 including honorary members)

Alive: 10

(14 including honorary members)

Past/Deceased: 1

Female: 5

(9 including honorary members)

Male: 6

Members List