
Theorem. Owen is a bunny. 

proof. This proof is trivial and is left as an excercise to the reader. Hint: Owen has a fluffy tail.



Lance Edens, Enrique G Alvarado, Abhi Singh, Jeffery Morris, Gregory Schenter, Jaehun Chun, and Aurora Clark.

with Bala Krishnamoorthy and Kevin R. Vixie.

Enrique Alvarado*,  Zhu Liu*, Michael Servis, Bala Krishnamoorthy, and Aurora Clark.

with Steven Beres, Vesta Coufal, Kaia Hlavacek, Joel Pereira, Brandon Reeves.


with Louisa Catalano, Tomás Merchán, and Lisa Naples

with Robin Belton, Emily Fischer, Kang-Ju Lee, Sourabh Palande, Sarah Percival, and Emilie Purvine

with Qinglan Xia

with Bala Krishnamoorhty and Kevin R. Vixie

with Kevin R. Vixie.

with Yunfeng Hu.

In mathematics, the convention is to list authors in alphabetical order. 
In chemistry author order is meaningful. In the above,  times when there are two or more "first" authors, the asterisks symbol * is used. Corresponding authors are denoted by the symbol †.