1st Workshop on
AI-driven heterogeneous data management : Completing, merging, handling inconsistencies and query-answering

Co-located with KR 2023

3-4 September 2023

Rhodes, Greece

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The ENIGMA Workshop

Real-world applications are increasingly fed by large-scale, multi-source, heterogeneous information/data. This concerns private companies as well as public institutions. 

Urban networks are a typical example of applications that need to manage considerable amounts of heterogenous data. Heterogeneity relates to the presence of different data forms and formats, such as digital images, structured and unstructured files, analog maps, incomplete and unreliable data, etc. 

Alongside the notion of data, there are also constraints, knowledge and preferences that are often under-exploited in real-world applications. In order to process and manage such heterogeneous data and information, it is important to identify the relevant elements in each data source, to detect them and finally represent them in a common format that can be easily queried.

The objective of this workshop is to bridge fundamental research in knowledge representation and reasoning with applied research. The aim is to encourage the emergence of novel solutions for representing, combining, classifying, clustering, integrating domain knowledge, repairing, explaining and querying data/information of different nature.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to :

Workshop Chairs

Contact us: enigma2023@easychair.org

Program Committee