Learning ENHSP by examples

These examples are made using ENHSP-20, that we call ENHSP2 for simplicity


Non-Linear Car (domain.pddl) (problem.pddl)

Running ENHSP2 -o domain.pddl -f problem.pddl -planner sat-aibr

Domain parsed

Problem parsed


(Pre Simplification) - |A|+|P|+|E|: 7

AIBR :: Number of Supporters = 18

(After Easy Simplification) - |A|+|P|+|E|: 7



Grounding and Simplification finished




Delta time heuristic model:1.0

Delta time planning model:1.0

Delta time search-execution model:1.0

Delta time validation model:1

ha:false htfalse

Setting horizon to:NaN

Helpful Action Pruning Activated

Running WA-STAR

Reachable actions and processes: |A U P U E|:7

h(n = s_0)=35.0

f(n) = 35.0 (Expanded Nodes: 0, Evaluated States: 0, Time: 0.004)

Extracting plan with execution delta: 1.0

Plan is valid: true

Problem Solved

0.0: (start_car)

0.0: (accelerate)

1.0: (------>waiting)

2.0: (------>waiting)

3.0: (------>waiting)

4.0: (------>waiting)

5.0: (------>waiting)

6.0: (------>waiting)

7.0: (------>waiting)

8.0: (------>waiting)

9.0: (------>waiting)

9.0: (decelerate)

10.0: (------>waiting)

11.0: (------>waiting)

12.0: (------>waiting)

13.0: (------>waiting)

13.0: (decelerate)

14.0: (------>waiting)

14.0: (accelerate)

14.0: (stop_car)


Metric (Search):20.0

Planning Time:286

Heuristic Time:33

Search Time:43

Expanded Nodes:30

States Evaluated:61

Fixed constraint violations during search (zero-crossing):0

Number of Dead-Ends detected:0

Number of Duplicates detected:11

The plan is from start_cat to stop car. On the left, the time at which such actions need to be executed. For convenience the planner also outputs the waiting periods.

With the option -sp <filename> the planner saves in filename the timed stamped plan. For instance, in this case:

0.0: (start_car)

0.0: (accelerate)

9.0: (decelerate)

13.0: (decelerate)

14.0: (accelerate)

14.0: (stop_car)

PDDL 2.1 (no processes)

Counters (domain.pddl, problem.pddl)

Running ENHSP2 -o domain.pddl -f problem.pddl -planner sat-hmrph

Domain parsed

Problem parsed


(Pre Simplification) - |A|+|P|+|E|: 16

AIBR :: Number of Supporters = 48

(After Easy Simplification) - |A|+|P|+|E|: 16



Grounding and Simplification finished




ha:true htfalse

Heuristic Number of Actions:55

Heuristic Number of Actions Refactored:16

Tot Number of Terms:60

Tot Number of Terms Refactored:23

H1 Setup Time (msec): 3

Wrong setting for break-ties. Arbitrary tie breaking

Setting horizon to:NaN

Helpful Action Pruning Activated

Running Greedy Best First Search

Reachable actions and processes: |A U P U E|:16

h(n = s_0)=7.0

g(n)= 1.0 h(n)=6.0

g(n)= 4.0 h(n)=5.0

g(n)= 9.0 h(n)=4.0

g(n)= 13.0 h(n)=3.0

g(n)= 19.0 h(n)=2.0

g(n)= 25.0 h(n)=1.0

g(n)= 32.0 h(n)=0.0

Plan is valid: true

Problem Solved

0.0: (increment c7)

1.0: (increment c2)

2.0: (increment c6)

3.0: (increment c7)

4.0: (increment c1)

5.0: (increment c4)

6.0: (increment c5)

7.0: (increment c6)

8.0: (increment c7)

9.0: (decrement c1)

10.0: (increment c5)

11.0: (increment c6)

12.0: (increment c7)

13.0: (increment c3)

14.0: (decrement c2)

15.0: (increment c4)

16.0: (increment c5)

17.0: (increment c6)

18.0: (increment c7)

19.0: (increment c2)

20.0: (increment c3)

21.0: (increment c4)

22.0: (increment c5)

23.0: (increment c6)

24.0: (increment c7)

25.0: (increment c1)

26.0: (increment c2)

27.0: (increment c3)

28.0: (increment c4)

29.0: (increment c5)

30.0: (increment c6)

31.0: (increment c7)


Metric (Search):32.0

Planning Time:282

Heuristic Time:29

Search Time:50

Expanded Nodes:67

States Evaluated:156

Fixed constraint violations during search (zero-crossing):0

Number of Dead-Ends detected:0

Number of Duplicates detected:129