
Google Classroom

Every teacher has their own classroom. You will sign in with your Gmail account.

In Google Classroom you can see messages from your teacher, videos, links, and homework. You can talk to other students.

Your teacher must invite you to the Google Classroom.

You can download the app.

Burlington English

Students in the English Language Class will use Burlington English in class and from home. Your teacher will make your account.

Your teacher can see how many hours you study!

You can download the app.

USA Learns

Students in the Citizenship Preparation Class will use USA Learns at home. You will make your own account using your email address.

Your teacher can see how many lessons you complete.

There is no app. The website works well on your smart phone.

If you go ONLINE for your class, you will use Microsoft Teams. Students who attend online classes with a SMARTPHONE or TABLET will want to download Teams before class.

Click the image to download.

Your teacher will give you the direct link for your class.

Talk to your teacher!

If you will miss your class, have problems with the schedule, or just want to talk to your teacher, you can send an email.

Look at your Class calendar

JAS ADE USCIS calendar.pdf

Good to Explore

Citizenship: US Citizenship Support

Citizenship: Preparing for the Oath

English: Duolingo