Extra English

Verbs, nouns and adjectives



Homonyms are two words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings.

  • Address - to speak to / location

  • Band - a musical group / a ring

  • Bark - a tree's out layer / the sound a dog makes

  • Bat - an implement used to hit a ball / a nocturnal flying mammal

  • Bright - very smart or intelligent / filled with light

  • Current - up to date / flow of water

  • Express - something done fast / to show your thoughts by using words

  • Fair - equitable / beautiful

  • Kind - type / caring

  • Lie - to recline / to tell a falsehood

  • Match - to pair like items / a stick for making a fire

  • Pole - a person from Poland / a piece of metal that holds a flag

  • Pound - unit of weight / to beat

  • Right - correct / direction opposite of left

  • Rock - a genre of music / a stone

  • Rose - to have gotten up / a flower

  • Spring - a season / coiled metal

  • Stalk - a part of a plant / to follow or harass someone

  • Tender - gentle / offer of money

  • Tire - to grow fatigued / a part of a wheel (AE)

  • Well - in good health / a source for water in the ground

A teacher's story


Idioms -

A blessing in disguise - a good thing that seemed bad at first

Beat around the bush - avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable

Better late than never - better to arrive late than not to come at all

Break a leg - Good luck

Call it a day - stop working on something

Cut somebody some slack - don't be so critical

Easy does it - slow down

Get out of hand - get out of control

Get something out of your system - do the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move on

Get your act together - work better or leave

Give someone the benefit of the doubt - trust what someone says

Go back to the drawing board - start over

Hang in there- don't give up

Hit the sack - go to sleep

It's not rocket science - it's not complicated

Let someone off the hook - to not hold someone responsible for something

Make a long story short - tell something briefly

No pain, no gain - you have to work for what you want

Pull someone's leg - to joke with someone

Pull yourself together - calm down

So far so good - things are going well so far

Speak of the devil - the person we were just talking about showed up!

That's the last straw - my patience has run out

The best of both worlds - an ideal situation

Time flies when you're having fun - you don't notice how long something lasts when it's fun

To get bent out of shape -to get upset

To make matters worse - make a problem worse

Under the weather - sick

We'll cross that bridge when we come to it - let's not talk about that problem right now

Your guess is as good as mine - I have no idea

Adjectives - antonyms


Negative prefixes


My life story


A very sad story
