
What is our website for?

There is a lot of useful information on our website for people of all ages! Here you can find useful topics and words that may be useful to you in life in the future. We will help you to remove the language barrier and overcome difficulties in understanding other people.

Why is English so important ?

English is the most popular language in the world. Knowledge of the language opens doors to a huge number of different areas - from online shopping to working abroad.

People from different parts of the world can easily communicate and understand each other using English. So, they find friends, love, connect with relatives and travel!

We want to help you develop your knowledge of the language in several areas, which is why various topics and vocabulary are presented on our website.

Additional links and apps for learning English!

  1. BBC Learning English
    The BBC website for learning English has lots of free resources, including courses at different levels, an online drama to follow, vocabulary, grammar and listening practice, words in the news and graded articles on all sorts of interesting topics. There are sections for kids, teens and adults.

  2. Duolingo
    A great website for learning vocabulary and grammar through interactive games and quizzes. There is an emphasis on pronunciation as you have to repeat back words and complete each lesson correctly before moving on to the next. It also lets you set your own goals and monitor your progress.

  3. Kahoot!
    Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that brings engagement and fun to 1+ billion players every year at school, at work, and at home.

  4. Lyrics Training
    Songs are a great way to practice both listening and – if you sing along – pronunciation. This fun website lets you test your skills by typing in missing words as the song of your choice plays section by section. You can challenge yourself from easy to hard.

  5. TED
    Here you can find hundreds of fascinating short lectures by experts in everything from design to psychology. Although not strictly a website for learning English, it is very accessible to non-native speakers.