Department Introduction


The Department of Physical Education at National Tsing Hua University is an academic unit in the College of Education. It offers Bachelor degree and the Master degree of Education. Also, this unit provide full-time worker to study in the evening session at the graduate program. This unit was established in 1999.


The aim of this department is to cultivate the physical education teacher, scholars as well as professionals in the discipline of kinesiology, health promotion, recreational and sport management discipline.

Curriculum information


Per academic discipline, three major curricula were provided for the interest of the students. They are “sport science”, “sport management”, and “humanitarian in sport.” In addition, students are required to enroll 22 sports-technique courses. “Sports instruction” and “sport marketing” program with 10 credits are offered as well.


At least 3o credits are required for the graduate students. Curriculum can be divided into fundamental as well as advanced level. “Sport Science” and “humanitarian in sport” are the emphasis of this graduate program. For the evening session, students are required to take at least 36 credit hours.


This unit is located at “Physical Education and Sport Hall.” Indoor swimming pool and dancing room are in the first floor. Second floor has room for weight training. Three labs are created for exercise physiology, sports biomechanics and exercise psychology in the third floor. Multi-function sports gym is located in the fifth floor.

Future development

First, curriculum adjustments are undertaken for catching global trend. We seek to meet the global trend in sport sciences and physical education and by extending the professionally of the curriculum and reheard quality. Second, we work on developing a strong tie with practitioners in sports industry for reinforcing competitiveness of students when getting a foothold in the job market. We make efforts in building an integrated training system with other institute/agency/unit will be located for ensuring the continuity of learning development circle. Forth, we emphasize on pursuing a global tie through any form of international collaboration.