Урок 3. 29.09.21

Обобщение изученного материала модуля 1.

1) Hello. Let's start the lesson. Open your copybook and write down the date "September,30" and the theme "Progress Check".

2) Repeat the words on the module 1a.

3) Repeat the Present Tenses.

4) Open the textbooks at p.10. Read the texts again. Mark the sentences T (true), F (false), NS (not stated).

1. ‘La Tomatina’ is held in Italy. ____

2. The first festival of tomatoes was held to commemorate the Victory Day. ____

3. A festival, which takes place around the end of February, is held only in Moscow. ____

4. The Pirates Week festival begins with a mock kidnap. ____

5. The festival raises money for new scarecrows. ____

5) Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Jane _______________ (write) a letter to a magazine. She ______(not finish) it yet.

2. Den _________________ (look) for his pen-knife, but he ________(not find) it yet.

3. Nick _________________ (play) a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

4. Greg _________________ (wait) for Jenny in the downtown. She _________ (not arrive) yet.

5. Kate ____________ (not finish) painting the flowers yet. She (work) on the picture for two weeks.

6) Home Work.

1) Выполненные задания в пункте 4 и 5 сфотографируй и отправь на почту teacherzlr25@mail.ru.