Урок 3. 13.11.2020


Hello. Let's start the lesson. Write down the date "October,27" and the theme. Open your textbook at p.48.

1)There are a lot of different types of jobs around the world. Look at the categories. Learn them. ex.1,p.48.

2) Ex.2 a, p.48. Look at the the jobs again. Find at least two jobs that the following people couldn't do. (Письменно)

3) Ex.2b,p.48.Do it.(Письменно)

4)Do the ex. 3 at p.160- Do it and translate (Письменно)

5) Home Work.

1) Повтори новые слова по теме "Job".

2) Выполненные задания в пункте 2 и 3 и 4 сфотографируй и отправь на почту teacherzlr25@mail.ru