Урок 2. 11.11.2020

Spotlight on exams. Обобщение изученного материала модуля 2.

Разновидности школ и школьная жизнь. Типы школ в США.

Hello. Let's start the lesson.Open your copybook, write down the date "October,26".

  1. At the beginning of the lesson you should repeat the words and phrases of module 2. Then tick the "Test" and do the tasks.

2)There are different types of schools around the world. Let's study them.Open your textbook at p. 46,ex.1a. Match the type of school to the description.

Types of Schools

A boarding school

A single-sex school

A co-educational school

A state school

A private school

A specialist school .

3) Ex.2,p.46. Listen and read the text. Match the paragraphs (1-6) with the headings (A-E). Put the answers into the table in your copybook.

4) Answer the questions on the text. Write the answers into your copybook.

1)Where the game of Rugby was invented?

2) What time do the lessons start in Wuqiao, China?

3) What subjects are in Holden School?

4) What is the average high school day in the UK and the USA?

5) Is Eaton College for boys?

6) "O soji" - what's it in Japanese school?

5) Ex.6,p.47. Write a short article about your school (100-140 words).

Use: type of school,classes, how students get there, hours, rules, clubs. Also add the information about your favourite subjects, friends.

6) Home Work.

1) Повтори новые слова.

2) Выполненные задания в пункте 4 и 5 сфотографируй и отправь на почту teacherzlr25@mail.ru