
final project--585

Assignment Deadlines

The calendar to your left includes assigned readings and other broader deadlines. It's also subject to change. If you have difficulty working with Google Calendars, let me know. Well, before you reach out to me about it, try downloading the printable versions below. Check the date accessed/downloaded. This may not be the most up-to-date version, though it probably is. Readings won't change that much, if any. YOU CAN ACCESS READINGS LIKE THOSE FOR WEEK ONE AT THE GOOGLE CALENDAR ITSELF. We're using Google Calendar to keep up with deadlines and assigned readings. I attached our first two readings to their corresponding calendar entries, though I'm not entirely certain how well that will work on your end. I've never tried it before. Let me know! Also, I downloaded a pdf of the Google Calendar deadlines for those unable to get the latter to behave. A note of caution: At the time of this writing (August 19), the pdf is current. Take care that's the case when/if you download it at a later time.