52 урок (24.01.22) - Замечательное время

стр.58 упр.2 (вставить в диалог фразы из упр.2а) Видео-ролик в помощь.

53 урок (25.01.22) - Парки развлечений

стр.59 упр.5 (ознакомиться), упр.7 (вставить в предложения слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом из упр.5)

Видео урок посмотреть.

Срок сдачи на почту shrekifiona@mail.ru до 6.02.22

54 урок (28.01.22) - Бронирование мест в лагере


Прочитать диалог по ролям стр.62 Упр.3b

Домашнее задание: Посмотрите на рекламу лагеря для подростков стр.62 упр.4. Вы хотите забронировать место там. Выберите роль и разыграйте подобный предыдущему диалог. Используйте предложения с № 1. Составить диалог, записать в тетрадь.

55 урок (31.01.22) - Правила поведения в бассейне

1) Ответить на вопросы письменно в тетради:

1. Do you like swimming?

2. Are you a good swimmer?

3. Where can you swim in summer?

4. Where can you swim in autumn, winter and spring?

5. Do you often go to the swimming pool?

6. Do you like to dive?

7. Can you swim with your eyes open?

8. What styles of swimming do you know? (krol, breaststroke, butterfly, dolphin, swimming on the back)

9. Swimming is useful, isn’t it?

10. Do you know about safety rules in a swimming pool?

2) Запишите новые (подчёркнутые) слова в тетрадь с переводом.

A lifeguard – one employed to rescue bathers in difficulties

To slip – to get out of position accidentally, to lose one’s control

To push – to press forward

Stomach cramps – a belly spasms

To get into trouble – to make pains, to put oneself to inconvenience, problems

Sign – a signal, a symbol, an emblem

Designated areas – to show, to mark, to name a special place

Display – printed in prominent letters

Safe and sound – free from danger

Safe-guard– protection

3) Прочитать текст "Safe Splashing" стр.63 упр.3. Сопоставь заголовки под буквами к нумерации в тексте.

a. Don’t swim after eating

b. Follow the rules

c. No glass bottles

d. No diving

e. Don’t run

f. No diver bombing

g. Obey the lifeguards

h. No pushing.

Text “Safe Splashing”

When it comes to sporting activities, swimming in the pool can be great exercise but also very dangerous. This simple guide will show and explain the rules you need to follow in and around water.

1. Do not play or run around the pool. The surface is wet and you might slip.

2. YOU probably know how to swim, but some people DON'T. Do not push anyone in because you can put them in danger.

3. You shouldn't eat before swimming because it can lead to stomach cramps and a risk of drowning.

4. Make sure you know where the lifeguards are and call them if you get into trouble. They are there to save lives so always do what they say.

5. Always pay attention to the NO DIVING signs around the pool. ONLY dive in designated areas.

6. NEVER jump in like this! Dive-bombing can be a lot of fun but it can also put other swimmers in a lot of danger.

7. All pools have rules displayed on signs around the pool. Always read them before you start swimming. They are there to make sure you stay safe. Enjoy splashing!

Домашнее задание: стр.63 выучить слова. Письменные упражнения отправить на почту shrekifiona@mail.ru

Срок сдачи на почту shrekifiona@mail.ru до 7.02.22

56 урок (4.02.22) - Проверь себя. Обобщение.

Просмотреть таблицу условных предложений. Выполнить задания. Записать в тетрадь.

  • If he …………… (be) late, he …………… (miss) the train.

  • If he …………… (miss) the train, he …………… (have) to take a bus.

  • If he …………… (take) a bus, he …………… (arrive) at 9.30.

  • If he …………… (arrive) at 9.30, he …………… (meet) our teacher.

  • If he …………… (meet) our teacher, she …………… (ask) him about the party.

  • If she …………… (ask) him about it, he …………… (tell) her the truth.

  • If he …………… (tell) her the truth, she …………… (know) everything.

  • If she …………… (know) everything, she …………… (be angry).

  • If she …………… (be) angry, she ……………(give) us a lot of work to do.

  • If she …………… (give) us a lot of work to do, I …………… (be) very busy.

Перейти по ссылке, повторить тему Present Perfect, have\has gone to, been to и выполнить упражнения ниже. Записать в тетрадь.


Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

  1. He _____ (finish) training.

  2. We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.

  3. That's amazing! She _____ (run) fifteen kilometers this morning!

  4. Oh, no! I _____ (lose) my money!

  5. Hurry up! They _____ (start) the film!

  6. Mary _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.

  7. Oh no! She _____ (drop) the plate!

  8. The garden is very green. It _____ (rain) a lot this month.

  9. These are my favourite trousers. I _____ (have) them for five years.

  10. Tom's my best friend. I _____ (know) him for three years.

  11. They _____ (live) in Miami for two years.

  12. Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect negative.

  1. I _____ (not clean) my football boots.

  2. I _____ (not do) my homework.

  3. He _____ (not win) all his matches this year.

  4. My brother and I _____ (not see) any films this week.

  5. He _____ (not wash) his hands. They're very dirty.

  6. Mum's really angry. We _____ (not tidy) our room!

  7. I can't play with my friends this evening. I _____ (not finish) my homework.

  8. I _____ (not visit) New York for three years.

  9. Where's Alison? We _____ (not see) her since yesterday.

  10. Dad _____ (not take) a holiday since last August.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте have/has gone или have/has been.

1.Linda has never ___ to a jazz concert.

2.Jim is on holiday now. He has ___ to the seaside resort.

3.Sue wants to go to the Tate Gallery but I have already ___ there.

4.Have you ___ to the new theatre yet?

5.Would you like something to eat? No, I have just ___ to the restaurant.

6.Lisa needs some money. She has ___ to the bank to get it.

7.Jane is not at home at the moment. She has just ___ to work.

8.Our granny has got a temperature. She has ___ to hospital to see her doctor.

Срок сдачи на почту shrekifiona@mail.ru до 8.02.22

57 урок (7.02.22) - Проверочная работа

58 урок (8.02.22) - В лучах славы

1) p.66-67 Ознакомиться с видео файлом.

Записать слова с переводом в тетрадь. Выучить. стр.66 упр.1

2) Расписать знаменитостей на картинки выше по схеме, используя слова из упр.1

Образец: Claudia Schiffer is a beautiful model.

Steven Spielberg is a successful film director.

Ben Stiller is a……………………………………… comedian.

Renee Zellweger is a …………………………………. actress.

Oprah Winfrey is a …………………………... TV presenter.

Claudia Schiffer is a ……………………………………. model.

Steven Spielberg is a ………………………… film director.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky is a …………………… opera singer.

Cameron Diaz is a …………………………………….. actress.

Jude Law is a………………………………………............ actor.

Evgeni Plushenko is a ……………………… figure skating.

3) Повторить тему Степени сравнения прилагательных (стр.67 упр.3) + видео для ознакомления

стр.67 упр.4

Зафиксировать в тетрадь и прислать на почту shrekifiona@mail.ru До 10.02.22

59 урок (11.02.22) - Кино, DVD - мания

1) Ознакомьтесь с видео. Запишите слова с переводом в тетрадь и выучите.

Comedy - комедия

Fantasy - фэнтэзи

Animation - анимация, мультипликация

Thriller - триллер

Science fiction - фантастика

adventure - приключенческий

romance – любовная история

western - вестерн

horror film – фильм ужасов

historical film – исторический фильм

documentary film – документальный фильм

action film - боевик

drama – драма

melodrama - мелодрама

blockbuster – супербоевик, блокбастер.

Расписать фильмы по жанрам. Картинка.

Например: Romeo and Juliet is a romance.

2) Ознакомиться с текстом стр.68 упр.2,3 + диалог (составлять НЕ нужно)

3) стр.69 упр.5 Посмотреть в видео тему Past Simple \ Present Perfect. упр.6,7 стр.69 расписать в тетради.

4) Записать фразовые глаголы

turn into - измениться

turn off - выключать, заглушать

turn on - вводить в строй, включать

turn in - идти спать

упр.9 стр.69 дополнить предложения фразовыми глаголами.

Зафиксировать в тетрадь и прислать на почту shrekifiona@mail.ru До 14.02.22