To do that, you can apply the rules of the StoryLearning method and read books in English. This will help you expose yourself to a great number of advanced English words, as well as phrasal verbs in English, English idioms and common English phrases.

Example of how to use it in a sentence10 Advanced English Vocabulary Words to Know for the TOEFLAre you trying to pick up advanced English vocabulary in preparation for the TOEFL? The words in the list below come directly from our TOEFL Vocabulary Flashcards. These flashcards are a great online tool with advanced English vocabulary words to help you get ready for the test!

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Dr. Robert J. Marzano identifies more than 8,000 vocabulary terms, organizing them into 444 semantic clusters. This resourceful word list is geared to help students learn a tiered vocabulary and close the achievement gap in education.

Different types of writing require different types of vocabulary. For instance, professional and academic texts (or any other that are written in formal language), are typically comprised of advanced vocabulary. Basic vocabulary is commonly reserved for settings in which the writer wants to be understood by as many people as possible, regardless of their proficiency in English. Consider the following examples:

Both sentences state the same thing using different words. The first sentence, which uses basic vocabulary, would be found in a more casual setting, perhaps in an advertisement for dog food. The second sentence, which uses advanced vocabulary, would probably be found in a scientific paper.

You may be wondering why you would want to include basic vocabulary in your writing. When you're writing for a general audience, using easier language improves simplicity, making your writing more comprehensible for all types of readers.

In this game, kids learn advanced emotion vocabulary by embodying it and noticing how it feels and looks. Teachers provide context for unfamiliar words by prompting kids to imagine a situation. Through noticing and describing a variety of expressions, kids learn to use their body and the knowledge of peers as a resource to make connections to new words.

Help kids connect advanced vocabulary to core emotion words they know. introduce new words in pairs of subtle & extreme synonyms (For example: pleased & ecstatic) Scroll for examples in each core emotion!

Students can apply what they are learning about advanced emotion vocabulary to make expressive vocal choices and deepen their understanding of dialogue. Check out the Activity Support Packet For the Expressive Dialogue Game

In part 1 of my advanced weather vocabulary I introduced alternatives to hot, cold, sunny, and cloudy. Today, I gave you options instead of rainy, snowy, windy, as well as introducing some less common weather types. I hope you found these episodes interesting, and make sure you use these terms the next time you need to describe the weather.

By incorporating these ten advanced words into your vocabulary, you can greatly enhance your performance in the IELTS test. Practice using them in both your speaking and writing tasks. Remember to pay attention to pronunciation and usage to ensure you use them correctly.

Of course, advanced words are not the most monosyllabic in the dictionary. Rather, think of them as secondary and tertiary colors that expand your palette, allowing you greater expressivity and imagination. These can be literary or poetic words, idioms, colloquialisms, or specialized terminology.

You probably already know how to say common sports like ftbol(soccer), baloncesto (basketball), and voleibol (volleyball). However, there are still dozens of more sports to learn! Take a look at this advanced Spanish vocabulary list of less common sports that you can use to impress your friends and teachers!

The Advanced vocabulary ebook offers another 495 words which appear 10-19 times in the Greek NT. Together with 638 words learned on the Beginning and the Intermediate levels, the student elevates personal vocabulary to 1133 words with appear 126,984 times in the NT and cover 92% of total words in the NT (138,020).

Finally, here are some simpler Korean words and phrases (top row) followed by their more advanced counterparts (bottom row). Learning how to use these advanced Korean words and phrases correctly will help you score higher on exams and essays.

At, we provide our learners with a huge variety of free lessons for every proficiency level. We highly recommend you check out our advanced Korean course to get started, but feel free to explore all of our other great tools and resources (like these free vocabulary lists or this dictionary!). Create your free lifetime account and start learning Korean like never before.

Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary is a comprehensive Use of English manual for students preparing for the Cambridge CAE and Proficiency in English or any other EFL examination at a similar level. It combines clear and functional presentation of grammar and vocabulary issues with a huge variety of challenging and stimulating exercises. Its unique item-by-item approach makes it ideal supplementary classroom material, and its simplicity of design makes it an invaluable tool for self-study. Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary takes a holistic teaching approach, using listening, reading and detailed notes to help learners master all the skills needed at this level. Key Features thematically categorised vocabulary sections, covering areas as diverse as the body, driving, crime, the weather, sports and many more Phrasal Verb, Word-building, Collocation and Preposition sections Grammar sections, explaining and analysing advanced grammatical areas such as modal verbs, inversion, gerunds and infinitives, emphatic structures, etc. a wealth of original texts, utilised in the practice sections, which offer the opportunity for enjoyable and meaningful practice listening material which places Use of English in context and enhances the learners understanding of the material

A major impediment to the full benefit of electronic medical records is the lack of a comprehensive clinical vocabulary. Most existing vocabularies do not allow the full expressiveness of clinical diagnoses and findings that are often qualified by modifiers relating to severity, acuity, and temporal factors. One reason for the lack of expressivity is the inability of traditional manual construction techniques to identify the diversity of language used by clinicians. This study used advanced natural language processing tools to identify terminology in a clinical findings domain, compare its coverage with the UMLS Metathesaurus, and quantify the effort required to discover the additional terminology. It was found that substantial amounts of phrases and individual modifiers were not present in the UMLS Metathesaurus and that modest effort in human time and computer processing were needed to obtain the larger quantity of terms.

The last item of C2 vocabulary is trail. There is a B2 meaning which is similar to path, but usually through the countryside. I think that in American English, this is more common. In British English, trails often have a specific purpose. It might be to visit a series of sights or different businesses. The C2 meaning is the smells and marks and footprints and evidence that is left by a person or animal as they walk through the countryside. A good tracker can pick up the trail of an animal and follow it to find the animal. Snails are easy to track because they leave a shiny slimy trail behind them as they crawl along. You sometimes hear news reporters saying the tornado left a trail of destruction as it swept through the town. It can also be a verb. If you trail after or trail behind someone, it means you follow them though it means you are following them without any enthusiasm.

You will most definitely need a good number of academic words if, say, you want to study at a Hungarian university. What an adventure that would be! The following list of advanced Hungarian words will help you immensely not only when writing essays or taking tests, but also when composing your thesis at the end of your studies.

Create your free lifetime account on today and continue building your language skills. We provide a number of study materials, including vocabulary lists, video and audio lessons for every level, and several curated lesson pathways.

About the TGN

Learn about the purpose, scope and structure of the TGN. The TGN is an evolving vocabulary, growing and changing thanks to contributions from Getty projects and other institutions. Find out more about the TGN's contributors.

Have you already mastered the basics of the Russian language? If so, this means you have put in the time and effort to gain an extensive vocabulary and that you can make simple statements with relative ease. Congratulations!

According to statistics, more than half of Russians trust alternative and complementary medicine. Previously, only old ladies knew and shared amongst themselves all the recipes of alternative medicine; now, these recipes can be found on TV and the internet. Healing properties are attributed to herbal tinctures, the steam of boiled potatoes, and other methods of alternative medicine. Here are some advanced Russian words related to complementary medicine:

Typically when using advanced, you will want to capitalize every word, it gives off a more intimidating aspect and makes it seem more mature. I also don't use commas, I've found that it frees up space while also keep the sentence from breaking up. That's my own personal preference, but you will figure out your writing style in time and do whatever makes you feel comfortable! It's especially hard when you don't have free chat, so just test around with the words and don't be afraid to experiment a bit! Also, the way I have them broken up is each line is one full Animal Jam bubble, so it's easier to paste and use! 17dc91bb1f

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