USDA's long-term agricultural projections, also referred to as "baseline" projections, provide a scenario for the U.S. farm sector and global trade for the next 10 years. Projections cover agricultural commodities, agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators of each sector (such as farm income). The projections identify major forces and uncertainties affecting future agricultural markets; prospects for global long-term economic growth, consumption, and trade; and future price trends and trade flows of major farm commodities.

The Agricultural Baseline Database provides a custom-query app that enables the user to access the 10-year projections for the U.S. farm sector. The projections that are included in the annual baseline early-release tables are released each November and are in the more comprehensive annual USDA Agricultural Projections report, published the following February.

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I'm having a hard time deleting the baseline columns, I've added screenshots below, but when I try to delete, I'm getting conflicting error messages, I can hide them, but ideally need to delete. Reading the support from the baseline page - it doesn't appear possible but hoping I'm wrong. Any help would be appreciated!

I'm having the same issue as well and can't seem to delete the baseline columns. I'm getting the same dialogue as above. In addition, I'm not able to create a new gantt chart as it keeps coming up with the below:

I use the baseline feature with the GUI extensively in my projects. During project execution, I frequently am adding/removing tasks to reflect the maturing scope of work. This means that unless I rebaseline the entire project (and lose historical projections in the process), these newly added rows go without baseline data. This is impacting a lot of my task health reporting. Is there a best practice that can be used to baseline only newly-added tasks, without rebaselining an entire timeline?

The only thing which comes to mind would be to copy-paste newly added start/finish dates into a static column, and use formulas which determine task health from the static column if the real baseline columns are blank for that row. However this becomes a very manual step, and I don't think my organization will have good compliance with this every time they add a task.

Nope, nothing new. I have a helper column which lets me manually enter a baseline when a new task is added, and all my baseline reporting looks at both the manual and GUI-based baselines, with priority given to any GUI-based dates present. Still an inelegant solution, but it's the best I've got.

The information included in this document is not a threat analysis for a specific system and it should not be used as such. The values are intended to serve as a starting point for systems to consider when they are estimating the threat likelihood of malevolent acts as part of a risk and resilience assessment. When conducting site-specific assessments, systems may determine that lower or higher threat likelihood values are appropriate. The process systems will go through to identify their specific threats will take into account their unique situations, which cannot be reflected in the baseline numbers. It is also important to note that threat likelihood is not an assessment of the risk that malevolent acts may have on public health. While the resources provided in this document are already publicly available, this is the first time EPA, or any other federal agency, has compiled this important information for systems across the country.

The values are intended to serve as a starting point for systems to consider when they are estimating the threat likelihood of malevolent acts as part of a risk and resilience assessment. When conducting site-specific assessments, systems may determine that lower or higher threat likelihood values are appropriate. The process systems will go through to identify their specific threats will take into account their unique situations, which cannot be reflected in the baseline numbers.

I am creating a project status dashboard that will encompass all of our projects. It's simple enough to link each line to a project but the thing I want to be able to grab is the baseline start and end dates from the project. Short of scanning a column and finding the lowest and highest numbers, is there a way to access this value programmatically?

If you look at the Project Plan in Gannt view, you should see an option on the far right of the toolbar called Baselines. This would allow you to capture the baseline dates so that as the sheet changes, the baseline information can tell you the variance between the original baseline and current projections.

Thanks. I can "see" the baseline there of course. What I'm interested in is pulling it as part of a function. At the moment I am looking at the dates for tassks and picking the lowest date as the start date. i.e. =MIN({ProjectNme StartDates})

Hi everyone - I need some help in figuring out how best to do a baseline determination then subtract it out leaving just the peaks. My data is profilometry measurements across a substrate surface. As you can see in the chart below the substrate surface is fairly straight but not lying flat on the scanner table. I am looking for an easy method to identify the linear baseline then subtract it from the raw data thus leaving the four peaks with essentially a zero/horizontal)baseline. Then I can use the Peak Detector to identify the peaks and their locations so I can make additional calculations (mostly peak area and average peak height).

Attached is a sample scan of data and my first attempt at applying a filtering routine. I don't think I'm usign this correctly becuase I cannot seem to flatten out the baseline without gross distortion of the peaks.

This is an interesting topic to me, I would like to correct a baseline to zero for some data so that later I can determine the area of just the peak, and not the peak and its baseline. I have entered the data into altenbach's block diagram (thanks!) well enough to see the raw data (scan data) but the front panel doesnt return anything for baseline or baseline corrected. I will try to decipher what could be wrong on my end but am also submitting for anyone's consideration, thanks so much. Pic attached.

This baseline survey will collect a minimum amount of locational and physical data and photographs about historic properties - what is known as the minimum record. This effort is focused on adding new places to the PA Historic Places Inventory rather than updating existing information. The data will be integrated into the PA Historic Places Inventory and accessible through PA-SHARE.

There are several benefits of collecting data on historic resources in Pennsylvania. Historic places define the character, continuity, and a sense of uniqueness to a community. A locally important historic resource might never appear on a list of nationally significant places but undertaking this type of survey acknowledges that these resources have value to Pennsylvania's communities and future generations. Baseline survey data can inform inventories of National Register historic districts, which can lead to the use of historic preservation tax credits and grants to stimulate rehabilitation of historic buildings. Data from this baseline survey effort can also be used to assist municipalities and organizations in their efforts to interpret and celebrate an area's history.

PA SHPO has identified several survey priorities for this baseline survey effort. Priority resources for survey are those that reflect themes underrepresented in the PA Historic Places Inventory and those that are identified by local stakeholders.

If this is correct , when you set baselines for the first time, the Start Date and End Date values are captured in the Baseline Start and Baseline Finish columns (which also just happen to be the same as your Target dates - because of the above assumption).

As the project progresses, dates may change, in which case, the Variance column (highlighted) shows the difference between your new/adjusted target date and what the baselined target date was. Screenshot below shows a revised target date for Task 2 of Feb 18th (from the original Feb 15th), and the 3 day "delay" is reflected as -3d in the variance column.

I am using the default PMO template (linked below) which comes with a target start and end date. I have also enabled baselines. Does that mean with this template, baselines aren't needed as these = target dates?

I see in the screenshot you have all the tasks are complete, in which case, the baseline dates won't matter. However, I assume there are tasks that aren't complete, and if the target date changes for one of those tasks AFTER you've set baselines, that's where the insights come, because you then get in the Variance the number of days by which the new date for a task has shifted from the originally targetted date you had at the time you set your baseline.

We're committed to maintaining the classification of features in the Web Feature Set and updating it as platform features become available and browser versions are released. This ongoing maintenance will happen in the Feature Set repository of the WebDX Community Group GitHub organization. To ensure that the Web Feature Set remains current and baseline remains accurate, we encourage developers to provide feedback and contribute to the feature set repo.

\n We're committed to maintaining the classification of features in the Web Feature Set and updating it as platform features become available and browser versions are released.\n This ongoing maintenance will happen in the Feature Set repository of the WebDX Community Group GitHub organization.\n To ensure that the Web Feature Set remains current and baseline remains accurate, we encourage developers to provide feedback and contribute to the feature set repo.\n 17dc91bb1f

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