New Oxford Secondary English Course for Junior Secondary Schools is a new edition which has been revised in line with the current curriculum for junior secondary schools (Upper Basic Education) English. The text treats in detail basic language skills, which include grammar, pronunciation and spellings. It is designed to be used as a class textbook in the normal way or for self-study where necessary.

LOGISS has a standing agreement of stocking books directly from publishers, so students can purchase at good rates. All recommended textbooks are sold at the School Tuck-shop, however, any student who wishes to procure his/her textbook (Not exercise books) from any other source is free to do so.

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What is taught as abstinence is simply alternative ways of having sex. Below are scanned copies of the textbook page and front cover. God gave the responsibility of education to parents. We me delegate the task but not the responsibility.

This work is adescriptive survey of the adequacy of the material resources required foreffective implementation of upper basic education business studies curriculumin Ebonyi State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided this study. Twohundred and forty-one (241) business studies teachers participated inthis study. A four point structured questionnaire, with reliability coefficientof 0.81 was administered to the 241 respondents. The research questionresponses were sorted to find the mean and standard deviation with a t-test runto test the hypotheses. The two null hypotheses were accepted at 0.05significance. The results showed that business studies facilities are of lowadequacy and business studies curriculum textbook provisions are of lowadequacy. There was no significant difference between the adequacy of businessstudies facilities in public and private junior secondary schools; and there isno significant difference between the adequacy of business studies curriculumtextbook provision in urban and rural junior secondary schools. The studyrecommended that government and other stakeholders pool their resources toensure that business studies facilities and textbooks are adequately providedsince education for all is the responsibility of all.

Table 2 shows that five ofthe eight items meant to determine the adequacy of the provision of businessstudies curriculum textbooks (serial numbers 46, 50-53) had mean scores between1.1 and 2.0 and were interpreted as of low adequacy. Three of the items (serialnumbers 47-49) obtained mean scores between 2.1 and 3.0 and were interpreted ashighly adequate. No item was either very highly adequate or of very lowadequacy. The grand mean of 1.89 implies that the provision of business studiescurriculum textbooks is inadequate. The standard deviations show that theindividual mean scores do not vary significantly from the grand mean.

Table 4 shows that all the items(46-53) on the provision of business studies curriculum compliant textbookswere accepted because their t- calculated values were less than the t-critical.Similarly, the t-test value shows that the t-calculated value of 0.48 is lessthan the t-critical. Hence, the null hypothesis 2 (H02) is accepted;implying that there is no significant difference between the level of adequacyof the provision of business studies curriculum complaint textbooks in urbanand rural junior secondary schools in Ebonyi State.

This study findsthat business studies facilities are inadequate in JSS in Ebonyi State. Thisfinding agrees with the findings of Okoroma (2006) and Nwagwu (2007) thatinstructional materials are in short supply in Nigerian junior secondaryschools. The study finds that the provision of business studies textbooks isinadequate in JSS in Ebonyi State. This finding agrees with that of lgu (2007)that school libraries are filled with old and obsolete books that are irrelevantand therefore inadequate. The study reveals that there is no significantdifference in the adequacy of business studies facilities in public and privateJSS. This finding disagrees with the finding of Nwakpa (2007) thatinstructional materials are more adequate in private junior secondary schoolsthan in public junior secondary schools. The study shows that there is nosignificant difference in the adequacy of the provision of business studiescurriculum textbooks in urban and rural JSS in Ebonyi State. This findingdisagrees with the findings of Ani (2005) and Strong (2008) that rural areasreceive inadequate educational materials in comparison to their urbancounterparts.

Material resourcesrequired for the implementation of upper basic education (JSS) business studiescurriculum are inadequate in Ebonyi State. Both facilities and the provision ofbusiness curriculum textbooks are inadequate. This trend may not onlyincapacitate the teachers but also serve to miseducate them and their students.Therefore measures should be taken to improve the facilities and providebusiness curriculum textbooks for all JSS students. e24fc04721

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