films & short films

Wallace and Gromit- The Wrong Trousers

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(subtítulos disponibles)

Jack Jack Attack (short from The Incredibles)

Mike's New Car (short from Monsters Inc.)

1982_The Snowman_OK.mp4

The Snowman

2009_The Gruffalo_BBC.mp4

The Gruffalo


Revolting Rhymes (part 1) (subtítulos disponibles)


Revolting Rhymes (part 2) (subtítulos disponibles)

2016_We're Going on a Bear Hunt_C4.mp4

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

2019_The Tiger Who Came to

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

W&G_A Grand Day Out.mp4

Wallace and Gromit- A Grand Day Out

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2020_12_25_Quentin Blake's Clown_OK.mp4

The Clown