English 101 


"Technology and Ourselves"

Modesto Junior College  |  Spring 2024

Welcome to English 101, READING & COMPOSITION! My name is Nathan Lloyd, your instructor for this class (see the Welcome video and the "About Me" section below), and this webpage is our course syllabus. In it, you will find important information about how I teach, what is expected of you, and how we'll communicate. 

Think of me as not just your teacher, who explains concepts and instructions and awards grades, but also as your guide and part of your support network. I am always available via email (through the Canvas Inbox is the best way; you can email lloydn@yosemite.edu but sometimes emails there get overlooked because that inbox fills with clutter from the school administration) and will have a drop-in Zoom office hour most Mondays at 12pm. You may call me Mr. Lloyd or Professor Lloyd or "Prof" or "Teach" or any other appropriately endearing nickname. 

Some of you may be entering this course with anxiety, whether because it is your first college class, because it's your first class in a long time, or because it's your first time taking a fully online course (with no live Zoom sessions). I speak directly about what to expect in the welcome video on this syllabus, and that may help to ease your anxiety. Additionally, I speak more directly about how fear and anxiety can prevent success and what kind of attitude and mindset will help you succeed in the class in the video "Face Your Fear and Persevere!" which all students should view in the beginning of the course.


Course Start Date: 1/16/2024

Assignments due Mondays and Thursdays

Modality: asynchronous online

All materials provided:

Our course theme, “Technology and Society,” frames the course reading, writing, and research. Throughout the semester, we will investigate how the time we spend on the internet and social media affects both our thinking and our social interaction, and then we will begin to look at other ways that modern technology shapes society, for better or for worse. This theme fosters active discussion and provides opportunities for clear argumentation and challenging critical thought. It also allows us to address very current issues that are affecting all of us daily  on a personal level.  


Communication Essentials

Preferred Method of Direct Communication

General Availability

Expected Response Time

Course Communication

Week One Success Kit

Due Dates for Week 1

Materials Needed for Week 1 and for the course

Our Pact

What You Can Expect from Me

What I Expect of You

My Teaching Philosophy

I understand that all students come to my class with a different set of skills and different habits and rituals when it comes to reading and writing. I believe our diversity as a class, in background and in our approaches to communication, is an asset, providing us with more learning opportunities. My goal is not to make you conform to specific writing practices or adapt your study techniques to what I prescribe. Instead, I want to get you thinking about your process and identifying ways you might improve it. The objective of our course is to learn, not just to follow instructions, and different people take different paths to learning.  

I believe that education is a dialogue--it requires engagement from both sides. I must tailor my instruction to your specific needs, providing all the support that may be required for you to succeed, and you must voice your questions and concerns, letting me know where you need further support, if we are both to be successful. We must remember, though, that this is not a dialogue between just two of us. This is a discussion, involving our entire class. I must do my best to foster a strong community focused on learning that will include all students participating in the course. As members of that community of learning, you must also support each other, since we are all in this together.

Course Goals

(Student Learning Outcomes)

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

Image Attribution: Goals by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free 

My Advice for Success

To successfully complete this course, students should make an effort to:

Image Attribution: college.library CC BY 2.0 Flickr

Support for You

The college offers many resources for your support. Your tuition and fees pay for these services, so you should not hesitate to use them if they can help!