MATH 6320


Spring 2024 

I will post all the slides on Canvas. I won't check attendance, but for your own benefit, you are strongly encouraged to attend the lectures. :)

Meeting ID: 983 2203 7216

Text: : Royden-Fitzpatrick 

(4th edition).

There is a new printing!

The third printing of the 4th edition (2014) has much fewer typos than previously...

Course Covers

Prerequisites: MATH 6310. Instructor consent required for undergraduates.

Grading: Based on two, in class MT's and a take-home final. (With weights 30-30% and 40%, respectively.)

EXAMS: MT1: Monday, 3/4/2024 in class, MT2: Wednesday, 4/17/2024 in class, Final: It will be a take home final and you will receive the questions after the last class.

HW sets (numbers refer to textbook): TBA on Canvas

I will post the solutions to the homework, but they will not be graded. However, the two midterms will be HW based. That is, I will give problems that are very similar (or perhaps identical) to the HW questions up that point. So it is your own interest to solve the HW problems and even remember the solutions. The problems in the final will be more independently chosen.


CU POLICIES   including Covid regulations.