Workshop program and Format

Our plan is to organize this full day workshop live in Swansea. We don't plan to offer an hybrid modality

We will split the day in equal time slots for participants to present their contribution, making sure we have enough time to foster an open space for collaboration and exchange of ideas toward forging a community of HCI colleagues performing research around worker well-being.


The workshop will last one full day, including presentations from participants, interactive sessions, and the preparation of a joint summary to be presented during the conference.

Short Presentations

Participants with an accepted submission will present a summary of their contribution highlighting the relationship with the main topics of the workshop. The presentation should highlight explicitly: the application domain and its specificities, the AI technologies deployed (and their objective), the user interface and the interactions, the users’ goals and tasks, and the engineering issues related to the integration of these AI technologies in the interactive system. Other aspects relevant to the workshop may also be presented, such as lessons learned, both negative and positive, about the tools and methods used during the engineering process.

Interactive Session and Panel

The afternoon will feature a panel discussion with the overall goal of discussing re-occurring problems and challenges, drawbacks, and benefits of integrating (or deciding not to) AI technologies. As basic material for the discussion, the workshop moderator will take notes during the presentations and start to structure these into categories.

Furthermore, in the call for participation, we will ask all authors to specifically indicate possible topics for the panel discussion. Three to four persons (including some of the workshop organizers) will set up the panel. In a first round, each panelist has the chance for a very short introduction followed by a short first statement on the points for discussion. Subsequently, a moderated discussion of the points identified will happen that include questions and contributions by the audience. We plan to open the panel to other interested participants of the workshop who are thus not required to submit a position paper but would be interested in the workshop topics.

Break down into Smaller Groups

To foster interaction between workshop participants and to produce diverse outcomes, the second part of the afternoon will be dedicated to working in groups with topics to be selected from the panel topics.