Workshop program and Format

11.30 Welcome and introduction to the workshop

11:45 Short talks session topic 1 “Challenges and Opportunities Human-AI Interaction” (15 mn each 10mn presentation and 5 mn questions)

13.00 Lunch Break

14.00 Short talks session topic 2 “AI in & for Interactive Applications” (15 mn each 10mn presentation and 5 mn questions)

15:30 Short talks session topic 3 “Validate, Explain and Empower” (15 mn each 10mn presentation and 5 mn questions)

16.30 Coffee Break 

17:00 Interactive session 

Re-occurring problems and challenges, drawbacks, and benefits

17.45 Wrap-up session and future plans 

18.00 End of workshop 

Short Presentations

Participants with an accepted submission will present a summary of their contribution highlighting the relationship with the main topics of the workshop. The presentation should highlight explicitly: the application domain and its specificities, the AI technologies deployed (and their objective), the user interface and the interactions, the users’ goals and tasks, and the engineering issues related to the integration of these AI technologies in the interactive system. Other aspects relevant to the workshop may also be presented, such as lessons learned, both negative and positive, about the tools and methods used during the engineering process.

Interactive Session

The interactive sessions is dedicated to discussing re-occurring problems and challenges, drawbacks, and benefits of integrating (or deciding not to) AI technologies. As basic material for the discussion, the workshop organisers will take notes during the presentations and start to structure these into categories. To foster interaction between workshop participants and to produce diverse outcomes, the first hour there will be group discussions in subgroups that are composed out of a random selection of the participants.