C-suit Career Advice By Builder.ai

Sachin Dev Duggal Builder.ai CEO who has experience of building businesses in the UK, US and India.


What was the most valuable piece of career advice that you received? Just recently, I learned about the realities of rapidly scaling a company. When you go from 10 people to 200 people, you go from having an answer, to having the process to have the answer, to having the people that know the process to having an answer. Now, when you go through that double quick, you have zero time to acclimatise to that shift and that's challenging. Because when you, as the co-founder, know it so well that the process and the answer is all in one split second, it gets frustrating why problems don't get solved in bigger teams as quickly. It is also why young companies work so much faster...because the process and the answer there is the same thing. But to scale up is to grow through this process.

What was the worst piece of business advice that you received? I can think of two actually, and both contradict each other. One was - grow at any cost. The second was - when you're growing, keep cutting costs. I think the truth is that you can do either well if you make a choice. You can either optimise or you can scale. And if you choose to do both, then you'll have to alternate between optimising and scaling and play it by ear.

Read Full Interview @ https://www.idgconnect.com/interviews/1504079/suite-careers-advice-sachin-dev-duggal-builder-ai