To use the following calculator, first select the units for each entry. Then enter a number value in one of the display boxes, and press the Calculate button, The corresponding conversions will appear in exponential form in the remaining boxes. The exponential notation: e+08 for 108 and e-11 for 10-11, may be used for the initial input, but is not necessary. Note that commas will be eliminated, so when representing a decimal point they must be replaced by ".".

Energy can be expressed many ways. Two relationships allow us to freely convert between energy, wavelength and frequency (see below). If we know any one of these three properties, we know the other two.

Energy Unit Converter Free Download

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For the budding scientist: Here are the two relationships that relate energy, frequency and wavelength. The first is c =  where c = the speed of light in vacuum (3.00 x 108 m/s),  = frequency and  is wavelength. The second is E = h where E = energy, h is a special constant called Planck's constant (6.63 x 10-34J.s) and  is again frequency. The second equation tells us that frequency is proportional to energy. Combining the two, we find that frequency and energy are inversely proportional to wavelength.

Appendix D of OSHA Hazard Communication Standard does not specify English or metric units. Therefore, be very careful to note the units when reading numbers such as temperature or pressure units on a Safety Data Sheet.

If you ever perform a conversion or calculation of any sort, always remember to write the units next to each number in your calculation and make sure that they cancel properly. NASA once lost a $125 million space probe because of a (failure to convert) unit error! See the last two links below under Further Reading for more on unit conversions.

Select data to convert:There are two options for entering data into this calculator: energy data or emissions data. When you enter energy data, the calculator converts these values into carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions based on emission factors for energy consumption or electricity reductions. Then, it provides equivalent ways to express those emissions. When you enter emissions data, the calculator provides equivalent ways to express those emissions.

Carbon Dioxide or CO2 Equivalent* Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. CO2 is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle. The main human activity that emits CO2 is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) for energy and transportation, although certain industrial processes and land-use changes also emit CO2. Link

Carbon Greenhouse gas emissions may be expressed in terms of a quantity of the gas itself (e.g., 1 ton of methane), an equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide (e.g., 28 tons of CO2 equivalent), or in terms of carbon (e.g., 7.63 tons of carbon). Carbon is often used as the unit of measurement when tracing emissions through the carbon cycle. To convert a quantity of carbon to the equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide, multiply by 3.67.

This tool converts methane (CH4) emissions to metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent (MTCO2e) and a variety of other measurement units and greenhouse gas (GHG) equivalencies. These abstract equivalencies are also translated into relatable terms, such as annual emissions from cars or households.

Recharging Industry: Request for Information Workshops on Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grants for Electrified Vehicles: MESC will hold two workshops (May 4 and May 5) that will provide a forum for stakeholders to share perspectives on the opportunities and challenges for the domestic conversion of manufacturing across the supply chain towards the vision and goals of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) Section 50143. Interested parties should register to attend either workshop and can submit a 3-minute video providing their perspectives on this program, if they desire. Please review the video submission guidelines.

There are many other energy units besides the "Systme International d'Units (SI)". A "ton of coal equivalent" (tce) is frequently used in the energy business. 1 tce equals 8.141 MWh. It means that the combustion of 1 kg of coal produces the same amount of heat as electrical heating for one hour at a rate of 8.141 kW.

Calories and/or kilocalories [cal and/or kcal] were historically often used to measure heat (energy) and are still used fot thi sometimes today. Heating a gram of water 1 C requires 1 cal. Different definitions are often the result of inconsistent starting temperatures of the heating.

When the Watt is multiplied by a unit of time, an energy unit is formed as follows: 1 Ws = 1 J. The use of the kilowatt-hour is more common: 1 kWh = 3600 kWs = 3.6 MJ. Besides the second [s] and the hour [h], the day [d] and the year [yr] are also used, with 1 yr = 365.2425 d = 31,556,952 s. So, for example,

The unit conversions indicated on this page can be performed with a calculator. One can also find conversion calculators on the internet such as the International Energy Agency, and atRobert Fogt's page.

Need a quick unit conversion from wavelength (nm) to photon energy (eV)? Need to convert flux (ph/s) to average power (mW)? Simply enter the known value in the boxes below, and the calculator will provide the equivalent value in the appropriate unit.

Power (P) is the rate of energy transfer with the SI unit of 1 Watt = 1 J/s. The power of short wavelength light sources in the EUV to X-ray range are often expressed as photon flux (F) in the units of photons per second (ph/s). Average power is related to flux and photon energy by:

 Note!  When using pressure units based on liquid columns (like mm H2O, in H2O, mm Hg ...) - be aware that densities of liquids varies with temperature. For more exact conversions consult temperature density sources for the actual liquids.

Note that the unit of work ft-lbf (foot-pound) is in practice commonly used as the unit of torque in the Imperial system. The unit for torque is lbf -ft (pound-foot) - one pound of force acting at a perpendicular distance of one foot from a pivot point.

The International Table (IT) calorie has been adopted in the publications of the Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE/EIA) (3) and of the International Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/IEA) (4). In view of the importance of these publications, it is reasonable to view the IT calorie as being the preferred unit for discussions of energy production and use, but there is no universally adopted practice (see also the discussion of Btu, below).

Given the wide variations in the actual heat content of fuels, especially oil and coal, it is common to introduce a nominal energy equivalent that reflects a typical energy content of the given fuel, but is decoupled from the variations that occur in actual fuels . The energy equivalent can be considered to be an alternate energy unit, precisely related to units such as the joule, calorie, or Btu. Energy equivalents for oil and coal are discussed in succeeding paragraphs, below, and are listed in Table 1.

Conversion factors for oil. The heat content of crude oil from different countries varies from about 5.6 million Btu (MBtu) per barrel to about 6.3 MBtu (5). The heat content of typical petroleum products varies even more (see Table 1). A nominal conversion factor is sometimes used for a barrel of crude oil, which is close to its actual average energy content:

An energy equivalence for oil can also be specified in terms of energy per metric ton (tonne). [For oil, unlike coal, mass is commonly specified in tonnes even in U.S. literature (5).] The number of barrels of crude oil per tonne varies widely, depending upon the source. For 1993, the EIA has reported values varying from well under 7 barrels/tonne for some countries of origin to over 8 barrels/tonne for others (5). For the United States, the average was 7.33 barrels/tonne. This average, together with the nominal equivalence of 5.8 MBtu/bbl, corresponds to a heat content for crude oil of 42.5 MBtu/tonne.

In OECD/IEA tabulations, the megatonne of oil equivalent (Mtoe), equal to 4.1868 x 1016 J, is used as the general unit to describe the energy content of all fuels. A corresponding larger unit, the gigatonne of oil equivalent (Gtoe) can be related to the exajoule and quad:

In a fairly widely used specification of a nominal value, the energy content of 1 tonne of coal equivalent is set equal to 7 x 109 calories [e.g., Ref. 6]. Then, at a level of precision that makes the particular choice of "calorie" irrelevant:

Conversion factors for natural gas. Natural gas is made up largely, but not entirely, of methane (CH4) and its energy content is more uniform than that of coal. For the large majority of sources the gross heat content of dry natural gas lies between 900 Btu/ft3 and 1100 Btu/ft3 (5). For the U.S. in 1995, it averaged 1028 Btu/ft3 (3).

There is no widely used equivalent unit of energy specifically based on natural gas, although the heat content of natural gas is often approximated by the rounded value of 1000 Btu/ft3. In discussions of natural gas production and consumption it is also common to use the unit therm, where

Primary energy and end-use energy. In considering energy consumption for electricity generation, a separation is sometimes made between the electrical energy consumed at the point of use (converted from electricity sales at the rate of 3412 Btu/kWh) and the energy lost to heat in electricity generation and transmission. The end-use energy and the energy losses are then individually tabulated, with the losses roughly twice as great as the end-use energy. However, this separation creates a possibly misleading asymmetry in comparisons among modes of energy use, because end-use losses are neglected for fossil fuels used directly and these losses sometimes are substantial. 0852c4b9a8

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