Visiting in the University of Groningen

Over the past two weeks, I had the enriching opportunity to be welcomed as a guest by the Global Economic and Management department at the University of Groningen, facilitated through the ENLIGHT project, which aims to strengthen collaboration between our two universities. During my stay, I not only presented my research paper on "Environmental Regulation and Foreign Direct Investments: Evidence from a new measure of environmental stringency", co-authored with Raphaël Chiappini, but I also had the privilege of engaging with researchers from various fields, each bringing me new insights and providing valuable feedback on my work. Discussions were not only intellectually stimulating but also incredibly rewarding. My sincere gratitude goes to Konstantin Wacker and Feicheng Wang for their warm welcome and continuous support throughout my entire stay. They were present for me every step of the way, and their assistance was invaluable.

In addition, I had the opportunity to visit this beautiful country. Roaming through the streets of Groningen and Amsterdam by bike, I immersed myself in the Dutch lifestyle. These adventures provided me with a unique perspective on the country's culture, enriching my visit in a truly memorable way.

11-22 March (2024)