Call for Papers

Endangered Languages Colloquium” (ELC) is a 2-day colloquium to be held at Istanbul Bilgi University between June 19-20, 2022, co-hosted by the Laz Institute and the Istanbul Caucasian Culture Association. The aim is to bring together researchers and language activists to exchange their experiences and research on all aspects of Endangered Languages, Language Documentation and Language Revitalization. Regular talks will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Note that ELC is being planned as a face-to-face event. In case of travel restrictions and other similar measures that may be imposed, we may have to switch to a hybrid format.

Invited Speaker:

Ioanna Sitaridou (University of Cambridge)

Important Dates:

Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2022

Announcement of the evaluation results: April 15, 2022

Colloquium: June 19-20, 2022

Organizing Committee:

İsmail Avcı (Laz Institute), Ömer Demirok (Boğaziçi University), Aslı Gürer (İstanbul Bilgi University), F. Nihan Ketrez (İstanbul Bilgi University), Balkız Öztürk (Boğaziçi University), Murat Topçu (İstanbul Okan University)