Seminar on

Encrypted Computation

Spring 2020

When: Sundays 9-11, Where: Check Point 280.

Instructor: Nir Bitansky.

About the seminar: The modern computing environment is very different than it used to be. Sensitive information that once existed only on local trusted machines — medical records, personal preferences, and our finances – is now stored and processed by various entities onew the web, who we often do not trust. To maintain privacy in this reality, a new array of cryptographic tools has been developed over the past decade allowing different forms of encrypted computation. This includes: fully-homomorphic encryption, attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, and program obfuscation. The seminar will cover some of these advances with special focus on the main open questions in the area.

Prerequisites: the seminar targets students who have taken the foundations of cryptography graduate course (0368.4162). If you haven't taken the course, and would still like to join the seminar contact Nir. Lecture notes from the course can be found here.

Requirements: Almost all lectures will be given by the students who will be required to:

  • Select a topic and read the relevant materials.
  • Prepare a lecture using slides or whiteboard.
  • Meet with Nir on Wednesday before your talk to go over the lecture and make any required changes.
  • Attend lectures by fellow students.

We will post on the webpage slides/notes after the lectures. If you plan to give a whiteboard talk make sure to prepare readable notes (preferably in Latex).

List of topics with links to papers:


  • You are welcome to suggest other topics/papers.
  • Below is a recommended order of presentation. You can diverge from this as long as we satisfy the topological order given here.
  1. Multi-Key Fully-Homomorphic Encryption and Two-Round MPC
  2. Homomorphic Secret Sharing and Applications
  3. Two-Round MPC from Oblivious Transfer based on Garbling
  4. Attribute-Based Encryption
  5. Functional Encryption
  6. Impossibility of Ideal Program Obfuscation
  7. Indistinguishability Obfuscation and How to Use It.
  8. Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Functional Encryption
  9. Obfuscation from Multilinear Maps, Generically
  10. Compute and Compare Obfuscation and Applications
  11. Traitor Tracing and its relation to Functional Encryption and CC Obfuscation
  12. Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge from Fully-Homomorphic Encryption/Commitments


EC Seminar talks