Info for presenters


Keynote talks will be conducted via Zoom integrated in the Gather Town. If you are a workshop speaker, or ECR talk speaker your talks will be within Gather Town. You will be able to stand on a spotlight square and share your screen to the whole room of participants. This means you can use powerpoint, pdf, or anything you would like to share via your computer screen.

Screen sharing is simple. Go inside a spotlight square and you will receive a message that you can now broadcast to the whole room.

You can now click the screenshare button (circled in red) and everyone in the room will see your screen. Just like in Zoom you can choose to share Screen 1 or 2, an application window or a Chrome tab.

Check out the schedule for ECR talks and workshops.

Poster Presenters

Uploading your poster

The deadline for poster uploads is midnight (BST) on the 28th May. The poster size should be A2 Landscape, file size maximum 3MB. This size (59.4cm x 42cm) can be selected in the Design tab of PowerPoint, under Slide Size > Page setup. Note that you must convert your powerpoint file to JPEG before sending it to us.

The text in the poster should be a minimum of 20 font size, with headers of at least 32. The posters should be sent to in .jpeg format named with the poster ID and with the poster ID in the subject line. To find your poster ID, please check the poster schedule (navigate to the posters page or click the button below).

Example email subject line: P1A09
Example poster file name

An example poster is available to download here.

During the poster session

Make sure to check the Poster Schedule to find the location and time of your poster presentation. There are 6 poster rooms in total, but only 2 will be open per day for attendees to view the posters. On your allocated timeslot, you should head to your poster which will be labelled with your Poster ID number. Then, you will be able to present your poster to participants in your poster space. Like you, they can press the “x” key to enter full screen viewing of your poster. While presenting, stand in front of the poster on the orange square. There may be up to 8 attendees in front of a poster, who can ask questions to you directly. You will all be able to see each other on video and talk.

Visit the link below for an example poster session. Click 'x' when standing next to a poster to see it.

Please, when presenting stand on the orange square in front of your poster.