
[Positions available]

- ENCL 에서는 차세대 환경나노소재를 이용한 수처리 연구를 진행할 석/박사/학부연구생을 찾고 있습니다. 연구에 열정을 가지고 계신 학생들의 많은 관심과 지원바랍니다.

- Graduate (Ph.D. and M.S. student) Research Assistant positions are available in the ENCL at Kyungpook National University.

- Successful applicants will pursue research on removal of contaminants of emerging concern using carbon-metal/metal oxides nanocomposite materials. Interested students should apply for graduate admission to the Department of Architectural, Civil, Environmental and Energy Engineering (Major in Environmental Engineering) at Kyungpook National University according to the instructions and deadlines given here: 

- Information about the Department of Environmental Engineering and Kyungpook National University can be found here: 

- Applicants should also send a copy of all application materials as a single PDF file to Chang Min Park ( This PDF file should include the names and contact information for professional references. 

- All applicants must meet the admissions criteria; preference will be given to Ph.D. applicants (who have completed a M.S. degree), and to M.S. applicants who have had research experience as undergraduates.