
We Need You!

Fill out our volunteer survey to let us know you're interested!

Volunteer at Events

We can always use more helping hands! Volunteers help out in a variety of ways - hand out fundraiser items on pick-up day, help students find books at the Book Fair, decorate for Halloween Hustle, log laps at the Jog-A-Thon, read to students on Dr. Suess' birthday, review the PTA books, etc.

Check out our upcoming events and fill out our volunteer survey to see how you can get involved!

Chair a Committee

Throughout the year we have various events and fundraisers that need leadership. Each event or fundraiser needs a chair(s) to organize and run it to make sure its success.

Visit the Annual Programs or Fundraising pages for more information on current activities.

Join the Board

Make an impact by joining the leadership team. Being a member of the PTA Board is the best opportunity to make an impact.

Board members guide the direction of PTA activities for the year and shape how PTA funds are used. Board member can be officers or directors.

Officers are elected to two-year terms. Directors serve a one-year term. Director roles include Programs Chair, Fundraising Chair, and Social Media Chair.

Our 2021-22 Officers are carrying over to next school year, but we need directors and committee chairs to help support them.