Election HQ

The Enadian Morning Post will strive to be the citizens' one-stop for election results, past and present, in order to promote an atmosphere of accountability and transparency in regional politics.

EU|04 Elections of May 4th-6th

Executive Elections

President and Vice President

Cabinet Positions

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Culture

Some discrepensies have arisen, even in past elections, where number of votes for candidates do not match the total electorate. The people who run polls kindly ask you to:

  • Become a citizen, as some who voted in the last election were found to not be. If you aren't a citizen, then feel free, for Enadia welcomes you!
  • Refrain from casting a vote for both candidates. This may or may not be a glitch on Google Forms, but it is thought that it can be prevented, starting with you.

April 7th Elections

Executive & Parliamentary Elections

Vice President and Speaker of Parliament

EU | 03 Elections

Round I | Executive & Parliamentary Elections

President, Vice President, Attorney General, Speaker of Parliament

Round II | Cabinet Elections

Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Culture, Interior, and Education