In the latest update on the beta build the flag to disable the download bubble and use the download shelf was removed. I personally hate the download bubble in the top right corner. For the past 15 years of using Chromium based browsers starting with when Google Chrome was initially released, as such I have been accustomed to how the download shelf worked, which was itself an evolution of how Internet Explorer handled it. Earlier this year the default behavior with the Chrome 2023 redesign it changed both how the horizontal tab bar and the download location worked to be, in my opinion, worse. I was able to revert both of these changes with the flags previously, however in the latest beta build there is no longer an option in the flags to disable the download bubble and instead use the old shelf.

I totally agree. The download shelf is more useful than the download bubble. It would be SOOO easy to have an option for both if they want to push using the bubble. Removing useful features is SO Google. Blech!

Enable Download Bubble Chrome

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User installs chrome extension. User should be able to login with the email and password (their account on the bubble application) and if said user has an active subscription they will be able to use the chrome extension.

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When you use Microsoft Edge to download a file, there will be a download bubble at the top-right corner. The download icon looks like a bubble and the interface under it will show the name of the file that is downloading, the download speed, the total size of the file that is downloading, how many MBs have been downloaded, and the status of the downloaded file.

The download bubble is also available in Chrome. But this feature is disabled by default. When you use Chrome to download a file, you can see the download bar at the bottom: this feature is automatically available.

Want to enable or disable the Chrome download bubble on your computer? This post introduces the guides in detail. Should you have other related issues that need to be solved, you can let us know in the comments.

Pretty sure this is an issue with Chrome, cause Bubble works on Edge for me. Also, I noticed gmail is acting weird like how bubble is as well on Chrome. However, when I open my gmail app on the phone, everything works fine

Does anyone know how to disable the download bubble in Chrome? I had disabled it a few months ago to move downloads back to the bottom of the page. But in the last update, the bubble came back and the old fix no longer works.

Google is testing the new design on some users, hence not all users experience the new downloads bubble yet. Now, if you have not received the new design and want to use it, then you can use the steps below to enable it. Or if you have received the new design and absolutely hate it, then you can also follow the steps below to go back to the old design.

Labels on the above chart are hard to read, and one of the reasonsis the white space around them. That's called an aura, and ifyou'd prefer your charts without them, you can setbubble.textStyle.auraColor to 'none'.

By default, users can pan both horizontally and vertically when the explorer option is used. If you want to users to only pan horizontally, use explorer: { axis: 'horizontal' }. Similarly, explorer: { axis: 'vertical' } enables vertical-only panning.

Fired when the user mouses over a visual entity. Passes back the row and column indices of the corresponding data table element. A bubble correlates to a row in the data table (column index is null).

Fired when the user mouses away from a visual entity. Passes back the row and column indices of the corresponding data table element. A bubble correlates to a row in the data table (column index is null).

Usually when you automate the web app with browser, this popup appear because of driver.quit() and because you are using with user data directory. ( If you're not, this bubble will not appear as in my experience ).

I've written and spoken about HTML5 form validation over the last few years, and one of the most common questions I get is about bubbles. By bubbles I mean the UI controls browsers display validation errors in. Below you can see Chrome's, Firefox's, and IE's implementations:

For whatever reason, we developers (or more likely our designer colleagues) have a deep-seated desire to style these things. But unfortunately we can't, as zero browsers provide styling hooks that target these bubbles. Chrome used to provide a series of vendor prefixed pseudo-elements (::-webkit-validation-bubble-*), but they were removed in Chrome 28.

So what's a developer to do? Well, although browsers don't allow you to customize their bubbles, the constraint validation spec does allow you to suppress the browser's bubble UI and build your own. The rest of the article shows you how to do just that.

The first step to building a custom UI is suppressing the native bubbles. You do that by listening to each form control's invalid event and preventing its default behavior. For example, the following form uses no validation bubbles because of the event.preventDefault() call in the invalid event handler.

In this example I'm using a Kendo UI tooltip because I don't want to worry about handling the positioning logic of the bubbles myself. The code I'm using to build this UI is below. For this implementation I chose to use jQuery to clean up the DOM code (as Kendo UI depends on jQuery).

Although replacing the validation bubbles requires an unfortunate amount of code, this does come fairly close to replicating the browser's implementation. The difference being that the JavaScript implementation is far more customizable, as you can change it to your heart's desire. For instance, if you need to add some pink, green, and Comic Sans to your bubbles, you totally can now:

Although you cannot style the browser's validation bubbles, you can suppress them and build whatever UI you'd like. Feel free to try and alter the approaches shown in this article to meet your needs. If you have any other approaches you've used in the past feel free to share them in the comments.

This makes sense: the new downloads notification bubble takes up less space and is not limited by screen width. It feels more modern in terms of the UI. But you can switch Chrome download notifications back to the way they were.

I am automating a RPi for four displays at my company. I have them rebooting every day so the browser will refresh. I can't get the Restore pages? Chromium didn't shut down correctly bubble to not come up. I've tried several solutions that ive found online, but nothing works.

Users will have their off-store extensions hard-disabled once the enforcementrolls out. However, if the extension is migrated to the Chrome Web Store afterthe rollout, users will be able to manually enable the migrated extension fromextensions settings page (chrome://extensions) or from the Chrome Web Storelisting.

The LastPass extension is very unreliable in Firefox. After logging into to LastPass, which I have to do everytime I (re)start the browser (the remember for 30 days options doesn't work), it may work for a little bit, but eventually, consistently, it will get to the point that when I click on the LastPass icon in Firefox, a small white bubble will appear but the menu will never load. Sometimes, but not also the time, disabling and re-enabling the extension will get it to work for a little while. But it has gotten to the point where it is more convenient to simply look up a password using the LastPass app on my phone.

Been this way for about a month now. The extension will not load, and is just as your screenshot shows. You cannot click on the extension link to open it and sign in as well. The only recourse is uninstalling the extension, reinstalling and then it works for that session. As soon as you reboot the computer, an iMac in my case, it reverts back to not working. It works in Chrome, but I am not willing to use chrome.

Okay, so when I open in a private window and open LastPass, I get the issue with the white box which I can open the frame in a new tab. But this is not the same issue that this thread discusses. The issue I'm describing is happening in a normal window with standard settings. It is hard to reproduce. But it happens frequently. Since I use LastPass A LOT throughout the day, eventually when I click on the extension icon, instead of loading the menu, it loads a small white bubble. I've not been able to see of the load frame in another tab workaround works since it is now working. If the issue reappears, I'll try the workaround and report back if it works.

I am having the same exact problem on Firefox for over a month now and it is so frustrating. I have to log in every time I close the browser and noticed that sometimes it logs out even if I haven't closed the browser. I too get that white bubble instead of the LastPass dropdown menu when I click on the extension. It did work properly until a recent update. Windows 10, Firefox, and LastPass are all up-to-date on my computer. I use Firefox all the time, and this is such an inconvenience. I am NOT using a private tab. I have tried every suggested method here and on various help sites to cure the problem. I get temporary relief after changing the security settings, closing the browser, logging back in, but then it goes back to the same problem. To avoid the constant problems and in order to use LastPass, I also have to keep Chrome open and whenever I need a password, I have to switch to Chrome, find the password, copy it, and paste it in Firefox. I am paying for a service that I initially loved, but now it is just a nuisance. It seems like the technical team as LastPass could figure this out.

This exact issue has been happening for the last month or so for me. I'm using Firefox, and this issue is now happening on all my Linux devices (both Ubuntu and Manjaro). The log-in works for email and password, but the bubble shows up where the 2FA screen normally would appear. ff782bc1db

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