
What is the app 'Wingsong'?

With Wingsong you can easily find out how all the birds from the boardgame 'Wingspan' are singing. You just have to hold a bird card in the camera of you smartphone and right away you'll hear the chirping of the bird on your card.

Which languages/expansions are supported by Wingsong?


Where are the bird songs from?

All bird songs from Wingsong are selected records from https://www.xeno-canto.org/ a free database for bird songs from around the world. All records are under one of the Creative Commons Licenses (https://creativecommons.org/). The exact license and the recordist are shown on the screen of your smartphone while a sound is played back.

All the bird songs are selected in a way that they are as representative as possible for that specie. Most of the time that is the song of a male bird. Besides that, there are also calls or alarm calls as well as sounds from female and juvenile birds. These different types of vocalizations differentiate considerably even throughout one specie. Therefore all the bird songs in Wingsong can give only a small insight to the complex world of bird vocalization.


I can't hear any sound and also no name is appearing on the screen. What did I do wrong?

  • In that case please select the language of your Wingspan game in the top right menu. If your language is not listet there, then unfortunately your version of Wingspan is not supported.

  • For iOS users: Try to free up some memory by closing apps from your app switcher and restart Wingsong.

The app recognises the bird name on the card, right? Why are you not using the scientific name? This way there won't be any localisation issues.

  • I tried multiple times with different set ups to use the scientific name for the text recognition. Unfortunately the latin name is too small and has a very unfavorable font. It would work with a good smartphone camera and perfect lighting conditions. But other than that, it would result in a bad user experience.

And what about image recognition on the illustrations?

  • Well... there is a bird on every one of the more than 200 cards. So image recognition has a hard time to differentiate all the birds. Some just look to similar.

Will Wingsong support bird cards from upcoming Wingspan expansions?

  • I will try to add all the upcoming expansions as soon as possible.

Wait, is the bird xyz really sounding like this?

  • I'm not an ornithologist. I choosed all the bird songs to the best of my belief by simply looking for them on https://www.xeno-canto.org/. If you find something odd, then please feel free to get in touch with me and let me know what a particular bird should sound like.

How can I support you?

If you like Wingsong, you can make me really happy, when you:

  • Buy me a Coffee (you find instructions on how to do that in the app)

  • leave a positive rating and/or a comment on the App Store

  • give me some Feedback via email on how to improve the App (songsofwingspan@gmail.com)


Thanks a lot to

  • Elizabeth Hargrave (https://www.elizhargrave.com/) and Stonemaier Games (https://stonemaiergames.com/) for such a wonderful game.

  • all supporters who bought me a coffee

  • all Wingpan lovers who helped with the localisations (ChateauDav, Cesc, Oguzhan, Monika)

  • all testers who are reviewing my beta versions before release.