Respect Rally, April 21, 2022

The banner has arrived; the picket signs are ready for you to wave; the petitions are ready to be given to the Board of Regents! We are ready to


Thursday, April 21, 2022

at 1:15pm

Welch Hall (Campus side)

Bring yourselves, friends, family, loved ones, students. It is time we let the EMU Administration and community know that we exist and that we deserve more equitable pay, job security, and input into our working conditions!


Compensation Bargaining for FTLs & PTLs

Following the Respect Rally on April 21, 2022, we will be getting ready to bargain for higher wages. During our Money Talks listening sessions, it became painfully obvious that Lecturers at EMU have at best had stagnant wages for the past 10 years.

In fact, the base minimum rate for PTLs in 2011 would be the equivalent of $1431 today. The effective base minimum per credit hour rate today is $1288. This means that for any 3-credit hour class, a PTL earning just the base minimum rate makes the equivalent of $450 less than in 2011. For FTLs the situation is similarly abysmal: adjusted for regular inflation, FTL pay has stayed stagnant, reflecting close to 0% pay raise over 10 years.

In June we will have the opportunity to change this. Please be sure to check your emails for further information on bargaining days, rallies, and other actions we will take to draw attention to our fight for more equitable pay.

Congratulation to this years FTL & PTL Teaching Awards Recipients

The EMUFT Lecturers Awards Review and Selection Committee is excited to announce and congratulate the following individuals as winners of the 2021 FTL & PTL Teaching Awards:

Full-Time Lecturer Award:

James Krolik, College of Business, Management

Part-Time Lecturer Awards:

  • College of Arts & Sciences

Andrew Antis, History and Philosophy

Ashley Wilson, Biology

  • College of Business

Andreia de Carvalho Gendera

  • College of Education

Linda Foran, Leadership and Counseling

  • College of Health & Human Services (no submission)

  • College of Technology (no submission)

A special thank you also to the selection committee members who reviewed the awards submission materials: Theresa Crnkovich (COE), Sue Yarrington-Young (COB) and Tony Kurk (COB).

Please consider nominating one of your colleagues (or yourself) for the 2022 teaching award. Nominations will open around Christmas. If you are interested in serving on the EMUFT Lecturers Awards Review and Selection Committee, please email

EMUFT endorses HELU Framework

We are excited to share with you that EMUFT voted to endorse the HELU Organizational Framework during the EMUFT Union Council meeting on April 14, 2022.

Higher Education Labor United (HELU) is a wall-to-wall, coast-to-coast higher education labor movement, representing over 532,000 higher education workers from 131 union locals and organizations across the US, including EMUFT. As a local we have endorsed the HELU Vision Platform and were sponsors of the HELU Winter Summit.

HELU has also furnished us with a solidarity statement for the Respect Lecturers Campaign and HELU member organizations have been circulating our Ally Petition among their members for the past few weeks.

Member Spotlights

Ping Zhou

Title: Part-Time Lecturer

Years @ EMU: 12 years

Why Did You Become an Educator? I fell in love with geography while in college and the most viable career choice was to simply teach!

Favorite Class You Teach @ EMU: GEOG 110: World Regions. This course covers a wide range of topics from culture to economics to tourism, and the students seem to really enjoy the content. Teaching a class is more fun when the audience is also having fun along with you!

What Is Something You Enjoy About EMU? The academic freedom, where I can teach mostly whatever I want, however I want. More specifically, I really enjoy my department. I know not all lecturers feel valued, but this is certainly not the case with Geography and Geology. It feels like a second home to me.

What Do You Do Outside of EMU? I also teach part time at Schoolcraft College! I am able to teach a course that I wouldn’t be able to teach here at EMU (environmental science), and I really enjoy it!

Surprising facts about you? I am an avid indoor boulderer, mostly at the V4 level. If anyone ever wants to come climb with me at Dyno Detroit, let me know! Climbing is more fun with friends.

Paul Kominsky

Title: Full-Time Lecturer, Lecturer III

Years at EMU: 6 years

Why Did You Become an Educator? Could say some grand motive, but it’s mainly because I enjoy it

Favorite Class You Teach @ EMU: Thermodynamics

What Is Something You Enjoy About EMU? Seeing the students become better versions of themselves

What Do You Do Outside of EMU? Home improvement is my current hobby

Surprising Facts About You: I’m starting a fighting robots club (like Battlebots). We intend to run events at EMU for a league in the Midwest.

Engagement Toolkit

Support the Rally

We need people who are willing help organize the rally. If you can help with:

  • logistics

  • carrying materials from the office the Welch Hall

  • serve as a Marshall

  • make picket signs

  • anything else

Please reach out to or

Know Your Contract

Grievance System

Lecturers generally enjoy a strong working relationship with their direct supervisors and with the university in general, but we have a contract for a reason and the grievance system exists to ensure that the university is living up to their contractual obligations.

The grievance process can be a long one, and as a union we do not enter into grievances without carefully considering our options. A grievance is an antagonistic process and can be quite emotionally and professionally taxing for everyone involved. Where possible, we always attempt to use the informal mechanisms at our disposal to work through issues and come to a mutually agreeable solution. We can arrange and attend a meeting with you and DH/SD and we can advise you of your options. If issues cannot be resolved in this manner or if the issue is such that it warrants an immediate grievance, we can walk you through the process and will provide all the support you need.

If you are having any workplace issues and want some support in working through them, please get in touch with us. EMUFT has a Grievance Team that helps its lecturer colleagues work through issues, whether they become formal grievances or not:

EMUFT Calendar