
The bot's prefix is "e!". There are a few types of commands, which all of the commands go into

Helpful Commands:

Gives helpful info about the bot, emus, and more

e!help: Displays the help message

e!server: Gives a link to the Emu Bot support server

e!website: Gives a link to this site

e!war: Facts about the great war

e!history: History of the great war

e!gamexplain: Goes more in-depth about the emu game

Fun Commands:

Just for fun, these commands usually show pictures or videos of emus

e!emu: Shows a picture of an emu.

e!emo: EMO EMU.

e!grumpy: Grumpy emu.

e!smoile: Smoily emu.

e!shark: "Humans are friends, not food."

e!vampire: So what if he's an emu, he still vons to zuck your blud.

e!upsidedown: umE.

e!scout: An emu scouting out territory that will soon be his.

e!dance: Dance dance revolemu.

e!tapdance: Dance, baby (emu), dance.

e!godnow: Where is He

e!news: The latest emuws.

e!warstats: Attk, Dfnd, Spec.

e!godmakesemu: What went through god's mind when making an emu.

e!screech: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

e!realizations: My god, what have I done.

e!veteran: Veteran emu.

e!mle: Major League Emu.

e!onduty: Beware of guard emu.

e!aaa: Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuun.

e!xing: Watch out for emus.

e!wtf: What even

Game Commands

Commands related to the Emu Bot game

e!stats: Shows your credits, emus in storage, and emus on defense

e!stats disable: Disables your participation in the Emu Bot game: you will no longer be able to be attacked, but you won't gain any stats by chatting

e!stats enable: Re-enables your stats if you've turned them off

e!buy [number]: Lets you buy [number] emus for 500 credits each

e!sell [number] : Lets you sell [number] emus for 400 credits each

e!defend [number]: Puts [number] emus on defense

e!offdefense [number]: Takes [number] emus off defense

e!attack [number] [@person]: Attacks [@person] with [number] emus

e!give [number] [@person]: Gives [@person] [number] credits from your account

e!gamble [number of credits to gamble] [number of numbers to choose from]: Gambles [number of credits], you pick from [number of numbers to choose from] numbers

e!gamble guess [number]: Chooses that number out of the previously specified range of numbers; the more numbers you pick out of, the more credits you'll get if you win

e!reset : Resets all of your stats. In case you wanted to do that


Commands for getting and managing a server's set rewards

e!rewards: Lists the rewards registered for the current server

e!rewards buy [number]: Buys reward number [number] with your credits

e!rewards sell [number]: Sells reward number [number] for 75% of the price

For moderators:

These command can only be used by people with "Manage Server" permissions and are used to register roles as rewards in a server

e!rewards add [@role mention] [cost] [description]: Adds [@role mention] as a reward in the server, costing [cost] credits and with the description [description]

e!rewards remove [number]: Removes role number [number] as a rewards in the server

Miscellaneous Commands:

Commands that don't fit into any other category

e!say: Emu will repeat what you say after.

e!guilds: Says how many guilds (servers) the Emu Bot is in

e!guilds list: Lists guilds (servers) the Emu Bot is in