Elwood Middle School PTA

We invite you to get involved in the EMS PTA; come to our meetings, volunteer on a committee and join the EMS PTA. Your membership dollars help support the cultural arts programs and other events we offer to our students. Membership also enrolls you in the New York State PTA which advocates for our children.

Please use the form below to join the EMS PTA. If you have any questions, please email us at elwoodmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com.

We are also still in need of chairs for a few committees. Please reach out if you are interested.

In an on going effort to be "green" we send home few flyers. Please subscribe to our e-blasts to stay informed.

Subscribe to the e-mail blasts


Box Tops

The EMS PTA is sponsoring a quarterly drawing for a $25 American Express gift card. Collect unexpired Box Tops. More Info Here.


Sign up at Amazon Smile , designate us as your charity of choice and EMS will receive .5% back from all of your purchases

Help Us Earn $ by Shopping

Stop and Shop

Register your Stop and Shop card to earn points that translates into cash for our school.