Making Waves

Why I want to go to Little Cayman 

I want to help our island 



Dear CCMI, 

I would love to win the CCMI for my class to learn independency and I love everything about the ocean. 

Plus the ocean is 70.8% of our earth and with EMPS year 6 we can make a difference. 



Dear CCMI,

I would love to go to Little Cayman to go to the beach and see the animals and enjoy my experience there. I would really want to go because I would love to swim in the clear water especially seeing how happy the other children were. 

From H.E.

Check out our CCMI coding projects:


Pollution is TERRIBLE for the Sea!  

                             By: KR Year 6 student 


                              Pollution is bad for good reasons. 

                         It kills animals and plants every season. 

                         We should never pollute because it’s bad. 

               It doesn’t make the animals and plants in the sea glad. 

                        We must remember the sea in our heart. 

                        Or the animals and plants will tear apart. 

                                  Pollution is TERRBLE for the Sea! 

                                                   It will be better for you and for me!

Dear CCMI, 

I’m writing this letter to explain why I should be chosen to attend Little Cayman. I’ve heard about the bleaching of the vibrant coral and the pollution. I strongly believe this needs to end and something needs to be changed. 

Climate change is also apart of the bleaching procedure, the water temperature drops and if it doesn’t return to its normal temperature the local coral of Little Cayman will bleach. 

Pollution is harmful to our waters and animals like: Sea Turtles, Seabirds and most Marine Mammals. These animals die every year form garbage in the ocean. We need to work together and find a way to stop pollution. 

In conclusion, this letter teaches children and adults to recycle what is recyclable and dispose what can’t be recycled. Our local animals are in need of help, so do your part to help our communities and native animals to stay safe in their local habitats. 

Your sincerely,