Detailed information on how to make a custom map would be greatly appreciatedFrom


 AuthorReplies: DarkKnight_ 


(id: PW_DarkKnight) posted 04 May 2003 04:51 PM EDT (US) 1 / 5 Well, scenarios can be played as maps. All you'll need to do is make a map in the editor, and set the game type as scenario when ou play...and it'll play just like any other map. It will just be consider a scenario, not a random map.But if you want to create a fully functional random map where it appears in the map selection screen, you'll need to write an RM script. Here's a tutorial for writing a script: -rms.aspDK XpLoDe_Zeus 

 Mortal posted 04 May 2003 06:11 PM EDT (US) 2 / 5 Man oh man that is too much detail :O I also most died trying to read all that. I don't want to be an expert programer I just want to be able to create a simple map that appears in the selection screen.Can anyone help I don't want a tone of details. I just need to step by step instuction. Bear in mind I do not know how to convert files into XML and I'm not trying to make a complitcated map.from

Zeus DarkKnight_ 


(id: PW_DarkKnight) posted 04 May 2003 07:07 PM EDT (US) 3 / 5 That guide is very simple. Writing a script is very hard. It really cannot be explained any simpler.If you don't wanna learn to script, then you'll need to make a scneairo.Because to make a random map, you need to be able to write something like this, except much, much longer:Quote:

The Campaign and Scenario Editors allows players to create their own custom maps, scenarios, and full campaigns. You can even create your own movies. They are the same Editors that SSSI used to create the campaigns for the game. Though powerful, both are simple to use and they come fully documented.

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Issue 1As of late, more and more people have taken up EaW to start mapping. And to encourage those people, I've decided to write a guide on the ins and outs of the map editor.We begin with a land map. Go into File->New Land. Now the settings are up to you, but for this tutorial we'll be creating a temperate map owned by the Rebels.Map Context InformationMake sure that your map is in Player Mode 'MultiPlayer', otherwise it will not show in the actual game. Now we're going to load up a nice texture set for the map. Click load, and select "Default_Temperate". Results should look like this;Your Texture SetNow that we have a nice temperate texture set. Click on to Height found on the toolbar near textures. Look to the black area on the side editing tools. This is a height map, you can create custom height maps if you please but if you really want to have dynamic results for your map I recommend to use the Additive Code Brush on the top of that menu.Brush SettingsThe reason why I put the intensity to 9.00 is that it's much quicker, and more efficent than the standard .10. The radius is also to make it go quicker, and much more effeciently. Now let's go make seperator hills. To create hills, move your mouse over to the 3D port, and start holding down your mouse. Your current height should look like this;Seperator HillsGreat job. Now lets continue on creating these. This time on the other side of the map. You can scroll to the otherside by holding your right mouse button, or pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard. After your finished making the other seperator hills results should look like this;The Strategic PointsThat's great! We'll be adding content to those hills a little later, but for now we need to change the texture on the hill, to make it look more like a hill. Go into your texture editor, and change your brush settings to this;The Texture Brush SettingsNow let's paint the texture selected shown above on the hills. If you can't get the entire side, you can rotate your 3D viewport by holding down CTRL and pressing an arrow key in the dirrection of the rotation. Results should look like this after painted;Finished Paint on the HillsNice! Now let's get down to players bases. You'll first need to go into the Objects tab on the toolbar. After your done with that select 'MARKER'. It should unload a whole bunch of crap, but for now we only need 4 things. First of all you'll need to find "PLAYER_0_POSISTION_MARKER". To place object hold down shift, and move your mouse into the 3D viewport, and click. In this case we need it to be placed here;Player 1's PosistionNow your second item is "PLAYER_0_SPAWN_POINT_MARKER". Place this close to the posistion marker. Now make the same setup only with PLAYER_1_... for the markers on the opposite side. Results shoud look like this;Finished Spawn PointsGreat! But you've forgotten that we have two more things to accomplish in the MARKERS section. Now place the "REINFORCEMENT_POINT_

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