Anyone can benefit from spending time in natural settings. But empaths may feel even more drawn to nature and remote areas, since natural environments provide a calming space to rest from overwhelming sensations, sounds, and emotions.

Because the experiences of others have such an intense impact on empaths, boundaries become even more essential. They help you set limits around words or actions that may affect you negatively, allowing you to get your own needs met.

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Intuitive empaths are extremely perceptive. Although there is no scientific evidence to support it, intuitive empaths may believe they are psychic or telepathic. Some may think they are able to communicate with plants and animals.

Being an empath usually means having a deep connection to people and events around you. While this does have some positives, there are drawbacks too. Some of the benefits of being an empath include the following:

In parapsychology, the mechanism for being an empath is claimed to be psychic channeling; psychics and mediums claim to channel the emotional states and experiences of other living beings or the spirits of dead people in the form of "emotional resonance".

The term empath is sometimes used in a broader sense to describe someone who is more adept at understanding, i.e. is more sensitive to the feelings of others than the average person, or as a descriptor for someone who is higher on an empathetic "spectrum" of sorts.[5] Seen this way, an empath is someone who can perceive, understand, or share the feelings of another person, without necessarily believing said feelings are being directly communicated to them through some as yet unknown "second sight" mechanism or telepathic channel.[6]

The term's modern usage flows mostly from the work of American psychiatrist Judith Orloff. Orloff uses the term to describe people who have an innate ability to read the emotional state of others. She believes that empaths are able to sense the thoughts, feelings and energy of those around them, and that they are able to use this ability to provide healing or comfort to others, if they manage their condition correctly.[7] Orloff's work is controversial as she claims to be a clairvoyant (psychic);[8][9] her definition and classification of types of empaths is neither recognized by mainstream psychiatry nor is it included in the DSM-5. For her part, Orloff believes her psychiatric colleagues to be "stuck in the Dark Ages".[10]

In psychology, a dark empath is a person capable of empathising, but uses their empathy to feign sympathy, flatter, and exploit others. Dark empaths are associated with dark triad traits such as Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. These personality types like the ability to control others and utilize them for their own benefit.[15]

You can start by asking yourself some questions about how well you relate to others and how you physically and emotionally respond to big emotional events taking place in your presence. If you find that you answer "yes" to most or all of these questions, there's a good chance you're an empath:

A number of psychiatric disorders may be associated with an empathy deficit, including borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and autism spectrum disorders. This can result in a reduced understanding of emotions and the emotional state of others.

With such insight, empaths are frequently sought out by their friend for advice, support, and encouragement. It helps that empaths also tend to be good listeners, and will often patiently wait for someone to say what they need to say and then respond from the heart.

The brains of people with high empathy are more likely to code the correct responses toward positive reactions, such as empathizing with a person who received money, and toward negative reactions, such as feeling tender toward those in distress.

Some people who have high empathy may also feel compassion satisfaction, wherein helping people experiencing negative emotions or situations provides positive feedback. By helping other people, an empath might feel happier than if they did not help that person.

There are some difficulties that come with being highly empathetic. For example, if an individual is highly empathetic and other people come to them for advice, this oversharing of negative emotions may be harmful to the empath.

Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who have a keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling. Psychologists may use the term empath to describe a person that experiences a great deal of empathy, often to the point of taking on the pain of others at their own expense. However, the term empath can also be used as a spiritual term, describing an individual with special, psychic abilities to sense the emotions and energies of others. This particular article will focus on the psychological aspects of being an empath.

There are many benefits of being an empath. On the bright side, empaths tend to be excellent friends. They are superb listeners. They consistently show up for friends in times of need. They are big-hearted and generous. Empaths also tend to be highly intuitive and emotionally intelligent.

However, some of the very qualities that make empaths such fantastic friends can be hard on the empaths themselves. Because empaths quite literally feel what their friends are going through, they can become overwhelmed by painful emotions, such as anxiety or anger. Empaths have a tendency to take on the problems of others as their own. It is often difficult for them to set boundaries for themselves and say no, even when too much is being asked of them.

Additionally, it is common for empaths to feel drained after spending time around people. Empaths are usually introverts, and they require a certain amount of alone time in order to recharge. A study from 2011 suggests there may be a link between highly empathic individuals and social anxiety. Crowds can feel particularly overwhelming to empaths, who are often highly sensitive to certain noises and incessant chatter. They often feel their best when they are surrounded by nature.

At the end of the day, it is important to recognize both the blessings and challenges of being an empath. In a world where so many people struggle to identify and express emotions, empathy can seem like a superpower. Embrace yours!

I too did not discover the word Empath until I got out of a marriage with a narcissist. My mother was a raging narcissist, who, for my entire life told me I was too sensitive and that there was something wrong with me. I think now that being an empath is like having a superpower. Yes it can be overwhelming but in the end once we learn to listen to ourselves. Its really more like magic.

wowww this explains everything. I always viewed it as a blessing in disguise since sometimes, it just ******* hurts. but it prooves to be so helpful if you know what I mean. For so long I thought I was crazy, thinking other peoples thoughts, recognizing im feeling their feelings and not mind. At least im not crazy but its sure true ? empaths suffer so much. Whenever I see my friends in hurt, I cant do anything or say anything besides to help them and guide them through it. I need to practice not trying to help. lol. there were times when I was in high school, and I had about 4 girls a day at set hours to talk to me about their pain and Id give them advice. I was like a therapist. It brought a lot of joy in my life knowing im helping, but a lot of pain as well. This provides so many answers. I felt so alone and lost due to this.

I discovered I was an empath not long after leaving my narcissistic husband. Unfortunately I still feel that discomfort from him and I am struggling to let it go.

He has 2 of my children and has made it impossible to see or speak to them and I have evidence of the manipulation going on in the home.

I feel lost there.

I just ended a 5.year relationship with a Narcissist that nearly destroyed me. Now the thing that is most therapeutic is connecting and helping others. There is such a need for it, so many people are desperate for someone to show some empathy.

Thanks Mike

Being an empath can be incredibly rewarding but you must protect yourself. It can be so draining. I spent decades depleting myself, feeling cursed or like something was wrong with me. Through acupuncture, meditation, yoga and guidance from some transcendence books, I have found ways to keep my energy up and still have more than enough to share.

So how do you know or rather determine when your own feelings are being detrimental to your well being?

Since empaths are based upon their sense of feeling it just seems like it could cause some major psychological damage if left unchecked. Please give me some clarity on this. Thank you.

Suffering the pains of others to such a degree that it makes us introverts, sick and depressed prevents us from being of value to our loved ones and fellow human beings. We all need to be valued. When I finally understood this and that there is someone who already suffered for me and all my fellow humans then I was able to unburden myself, find joy and provide empathetic support to others and stay effective and mentally healthy in all my relationships. I discovered a foundation of joy under my anguish and depression.

Thank you for saying you are a psychologist. May I ask you how I can find a psychologist that understands the gifts of being an empath? I am artistic, a deep thinker, full of love and understanding towards others, and very hard on myself. I love who I am as a person but also realize I am my worst critic. Thank you. Lisa

Thank you. We all should have and exhibit empathy and love for one another, and we are the way that we were created by God.

No reason to try to find labels for ourselves.

We are all children, brothers and sisters and neighbors to each other.

I love each one of you on this thread and your courage to comment.

I pray for all of you. 006ab0faaa

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