Perhaps you want to check that your network speeds match up to what you pay your ISP for, or see if a connection issue currently bugging you is real or imagined. Whichever; being able to run an internet speed test from the command line is handy, and easy to do.

I use a Python tool called speedtest-cli to test internet speeds on Linux. This uses the website mentioned at the start of this post. Using this you can test your internet upload and downloads speeds, and measure ping.

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If you want to see more information about your network during and after the test (such as IP address, test location, etc) you can run speedtest-cli without the --simple flag. This delivers more verbose output, like so:

How do you prefer to do network speed tests? Does being able to do it from the command line instead of a dedicated network test website appeal? Share your thoughts on this tutorial down in the comments section!

The highest speed you will see is the maximum speed that your connection and the server's connection can offer. If your connection is 512KB and the place where you are downloading is 400KB, your max connection will be 400KB because it is the max for the server you are downloading from.

You need to have at least 4 or 5 different testing sources to have a more accurate speed. Never test only from the same site as this can be affected by your distance to it, any problem in the server and the connections to it, etc. Always test from different servers.

Actually, Ookla, the provider of Speedtest released a command-line utility that is measuring your speed against a huge number of servers spread around the world. You can find instructions on how to install it on this link and you can use it fairly simple by executing:

where -s sets the server ID against which you want to test your Internet speed, -f is defining the format of the output. I think the most useful information is generated when you use json/json-pretty format for the output because a lot of the information of the test setup isn't printed if you are using the csv/tsv format. Both -s and -f are just optional but if you want to automate your measurement they might be useful.

It's a more generic solution that can be consumed by other applications. I managed to pinpoint an ISP network issue with it that resulted in doubling my SFTP downstream speed, which resulted in increased happiness.

With the increase in people staying at home and spending more time on the Internet, ISPs have seen traffic loads higher than ever. If you noticed your network speed was slower at times, this global overload is the reason.

The tools in this guide help you check the Internet and LAN speed on a Linux machine. The article uses Ubuntu 20.04 for instructions, but the utilities work for any Linux distribution.

Testing your internet speed from the Linux terminal can be useful for troubleshooting connectivity issues or for monitoring the performance of your network. The process is straightforward and requires the use of a few simple commands. With the right tools, you can easily check the download and upload speeds of your internet connection and determine if it is working optimally.

The first step is to install the `speedtest-cli` tool. Which is a command-line interface for the popular service. To install the speedtest-cli, you can use the default package manager (Apt, DNF etc) or Python package manager (PIP) by running the following command in the terminal:

The speedtest-cli tool will now start testing your internet speed. This may take a few seconds to a minute, depending on your network connection. You will see the results displayed in the terminal, which will include the download speed, upload speed, and ping.

The download speed is the amount of data that your network can receive per second, while the upload speed is the amount of data that your network can send per second. The ping is the time it takes for a signal to be sent from your device to a server and back. A lower ping time means that your network is faster and more responsive.

I just installed a new gigabit network interface card (NIC) in Linux. How do I tell if it is really set to gigabit speeds? I see ethtool has an option to set the speed, but I can't seem to figure out how to report its current speed.

1. I know this is not quite what you asked (read on for other ways). But if you want to know the real world performance of your NIC, rather than what your computer says it should be, you can use iperf. I usually do this - because you never know. I bought a 1Gb NIC recently that that only transferred at 672Mbps but it's uplink was 1Gb. Good thing I checked.

2. On Ubuntu systems, /var/log/kern.log has limited logging of kernel events. It will record link speed and status of a NIC when it changes. I'm sure other distributions probably do something similar or can be setup to do so.

As Khaled mentioned, you should be able to run ethtool with just the interface as an argument. This will list the supported speeds, the advertised speeds, the current speed, and a bunch of other things too:

But for us, in Iran, this is too bad. our speed is too low (Iran is one of internet enemies) so I need to disable this check, and its critical for me. 

Some times, (like just now) I can't even syncronize package database , see :

Yes, I do use aria2 for XferCommand (I say this in my secound post) but I want to know, is there any way to disable this check or not? and if not, I want to ask for this. 

the problem is they throttling us, the bandwidth is very expensive, so I hope, some day, the arch developers, create an official delta mirror (fr mirror is TOO slow in iran)

then you can download the files with aria2c using that metalink. You can control everything with aria2c's options such as timeouts, minimal speeds, number of retries, etc. It should help you make the most of your bandwidth and make sure you get the full download.

I am experiencing this problem as well, but for another reason. The local squid proxy at work caches what it downloads for a virus check, which leads to the annoying behaviour of 95% of a package being downloaded super fast, then my connection effectively stalls for a dozen seconds or so, then resumes after the proxy did it's black magic. This often triggered the speed bump of libcurl integrated in pacman, which is, quite frankly, exactly what curl tries to protect against: (Malicious) servers stalling your connection to deny service.

As I didn't find a switch to deactivate this speed limit abort behaviour, I simply patched it out and live trouble-free ever since. I tarballed a source package of pacman 4.0.3 to build with makepkg. It's really simple, so you can try patching yourself when the patch doesn't apply cleanly anymore one day.

Sort of... I see the low-speed parameters have been tweaked, but sitting behind a proxy that does virus checks, it can be more than 10 seconds before a download of a large package starts. It would be handy to be able to disable the low-speed-connection-terminating feature.

As a case in point, HDDs are rather more affordable but also are only appropriate for transferring bulk files to/from disks which has a sequential read/write pattern as opposed to having a random read/write pattern. Accordingly, not every speed measurement method may be good for every disk.

Please note that speed is basically calculated in MBps. In this method, IOPS (Input/Output operations Per Second) is introduced for the sake of convenience. IOPS is just the same MB/s multiplied by BlockSize/1024, i.e. a bigger digit with the same unit.

My computer has 2GB of RAM and 3 GB of swap memory. So obviously part of data will be put into swap memory. The problem is that I don't know why it really takes too long time to traverse across all those records. I have a function that loop through each record and do some stuff things. It works well with about 500,000 records, the function just need couple of minutes to accomplish. However, with double amount of that records, i.e 1,000,000 records, it needs hours to do the same function. I used top command in Linux to check the cpu load, and see that it's about 90%wa (waiting time for I/O). I guess this might cause the problem but really don't know why it happens.

As @MarkHu and @Matthew noted, the currently accepted answer (lsusb -D) has the potential to be misleading, since it lists the speed(s) which are supported by the device, not the actual speed. Or, at least I couldn't use its output to find current device speed.

Looking at the actual speed on a Linux box is a bit of an hassle; lsusb doesn't seem to offer, right now, a solution out of the box. That's what I found to be working. First, list all your connected devices and hubs to identify your device:

But, it seems that the "Bus 001 Device 004" part isn't useful to us in order to find the current device speed. Instead, we need the two colon-separated numbers 1058:25ee, the vendor id and product id for such device.

If you want to find out the actual speed of the connection (as opposed to the capacities reported by lsusb), you can read the "speed" files from /sys/devices. Assuming you can connect and disconnect the device freely, you can use the following script to make the process semi-automatic. Another script to get a full list is described below.

Another way to list the devices and their speed is the "usb-devices" script provided by usbutils and installed by default by some distributions. It is more generic but also very verbose. It reports the speed on the first line of the device description:

If you want to obtain memory speed information, you'll probably encounter problems under a VPS ... you can always get arbitrary performance figures using something like RAMspeed, but I'm not aware of a way to get accurate frequency/latency/etc. information on a VPS.

It only takes a few seconds to do a test, and it returns the transfer size and calculated bandwidth. I ran a few tests from my PC and my laptop, using my home server as the server machine. I recently put in Cat6 Ethernet around my house, so I get up to 1Gbps speeds from my wired connections but much lower speeds on WiFi connections. 006ab0faaa

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