I love the idea of follower emotes! I think it's great way to thank people for supporting the channel and dropping a follow! Personally though I think it would be great if they could be used in all twitch channels though instead of just my own twitch chat. I have raid emotes/heart emotes which I use when raiding and it would be nice if all my followers could have access to these emotes and use these during a raid so they can all use them instead of it feeling as more of a sub only emote. Aside from that great feature, thanks again for implementing it!

I AGREE!! I am a follower of a channel, I want to support their channel in a free way in the meantime until I can subscribe. Please allow non subbies to use the follower emotes of any channel in all twitch channels across the platform.

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Follower emotes should be treated no differently than Sub Emotes. Don't make the streamer choose which emotes they want to work everywhere vs which ones they don't. There is no incentive to use Follower Emotes vs BTTV or Frankerface as they are currently configured. Streamers can't even use their OWN emotes in other channels. This is a severe lack of support that shouldn't exist.

For the follower emotes streamers have on their channels may us as the broadcaster of that channel see those emotes like we would to sub emotes as we can only see them in our channels and use them on our channels and would like to use them in other channels but cant because can't follow ourselves of course.

@Twitch-Staff STOP limiting follower emotes! Make follower emotes euqal to all other emotes on the site! Follower emotes should be usable EVERYWHERE on Twitch in every chat, on every OS-plattform, as long as they are following me! This is the kind of limitation that makes people use BTTV FFZ etc! Who came up with this stupid limitation idea?

I would like people to be able to use that emote in other channels because it's advertisement for my stream. Perhaps someone sees that emote somewhere then comes to my stream to follow and get that emote. Then, they like what they see, and ultimately decide to subscribe. Maybe it's a follower count age that makes those emotes be unlocked for global use after say 3 months of following someone. There needs to be some kind of trigger that rewards people for following because not everyone has the luxury of subscribing.

I agree -- and if this isn't in the cards, then streamers should at least be able to use their own emotes in any chat (even though we technically can't follow ourselves, but we're forever subbed to ourselves.)

Currently, Follower Emotes can only be used in the channel they're for, while the user is followed to the channel. This means as a broadcaster, I have to decide between which emotes can't be used anywhere else, and which I can provide to followers to use in my channel without a subscription.

Ideally, it would be nice if subscribers to a channel would be able to use Follower Emotes anywhere on Twitch, as they currently use Subscriber Emotes. This would give an added benefit to subscribers, with additional emotes in other channels, while still allowing followers to use the selected Follower Emotes within your own channel.

I think a problem would be that if anyone can use them anywhere with just a follow, then people would follow a lot of channels only for the emotes and would be less likely to subscribe for emotes in general.

Ideally, it would be nice if subscribers to a channel would be able to use Follower Emotes anywhere on Twitch, as they currently use Subscriber Emotes. This would give an added benefit to subscribers, with additional emotes in other channels, while still allowing followers to use the selected Follower Emotes within your own channel, and no painful decision.

Hello! Happy to let everyone here know that this feature has been implemented! Follower emotes should now be available to use across Twitch for channel subscribers. Please continue to provide us with your valuable feedback so we can continue to improve on ways to celebrate and reward your community. Thank you and have a great day!

i would like my community to be able to use my follower emotes outside of my channel too. maybe implement it to where you have to be a follower of that said channel can use those said follower channel emotes, it would benifit and include those across twitch that cannot sub or continue a sub. subscribers get to use enough emotes, please include followers too, it helps them feel just as much appreicated and seen across twitch.

It's really, really frustrating that I have to choose between making an emote accessible to more people and making it usable outside of my channel. Right now I have duplicates of some emotes with slightly different names as a workaround, but it looks really messy in the emote picker and confuses some of my viewers. I can't bring myself to delete the dupes, though, because I want to offer follower emotes but also have access to all my emotes in my friends' channels. :(

This. Ideally Follower Emotes could be used anywhere by anyone, but at least make it so Subscribers and the Broadcaster themselves can use those emotes anywhere. It sucks picking and choosing which emotes must stay on my channel only and not even be able to use them myself outside of my own stream. I want to show off the amazing art my chosen artist has done! And it could be a good way for followers to show some of their favorite streamers they follow but aren't subbed to in other streams without just saying "I like this streamer too!" Instead they just use their emotes and if anyone is curious they can trace it back to the channel it originated from.

Agreeing with this. Right now I've got 5 follower slots, 7 subscribe slots and 3 animated slots--but I don't want to "waste" expensive commissioned emotes on slots that both followers and subscribers can't use outside of my channel.

Streamers should be able to use their own follower emotes anywhere on Twitch. I understand not allowing viewers of the stream not being able to do so, but channel owners should be able to. We paid for the emote, why can we not use it in other channels when it's our own emote, from our own stream, that we paid for?

Definitely agree! It seems super weird that subs (and the broadcaster themselves!) can't use these emotes outside of the origin channel. Seems like an overall loss of functionality for subscribers even though it's an improvement for followers.

Without the ability for subscribers to use it across other channels they're no different from bttv except we can make bttv emotes with smaller customized words, we can share and have more bttv emotes. We already had this. Add it to the subscription pack

When I try to use the emotes with Nightbot, the emotes are just typed out. Nightbot was gifted a tier 1 sub and the emotes are tier 1 sub emotes. (He has contacted Twitch about whitelisting Nightbot.)

It may be quite a lot of work for the Hive to create their own animated emotes similar to those in the character creator. This command would them be used for something different, so I like that its potentially being reused.

I have such binds in old MM files and I am pretty sure they worked back then. I thought I had tested this just recently to update the Guide, and it worked. But last night there was a confused Help convo about it and I had to switch to my MM to check... and sure enough, pet emotes don't work in binds. Only in binds.

The only issue I find with this is that there is such a large number of emotes that it would easily fill up quick bars. You can currently find a list of ones you have in your chat box by clicking on the icon on the top left which looks like a person, then it will give you a list off all your emotes you can go through.

Agreed. The chat box menu is clumsy and far too slow to use in roleplay. By the time you activate the emote you wanted, the conversation has moved on. A hotbar where we can link our most used emotes, with the chat box emote button at the end, would be awesome.

Custom emotes are available once you become an Affiliate. As long as your emote(s) meet the size and quality requirements and abide by our Emote Guidelines, you can upload and manage them directly in your dashboard under settings. Partners can unlock more emotes as they grow; you can read how here.

Emotes were created by Shigetaka Kurita in Japan, whose original idea was to create a way of communication using pictures. Kurita would draw pictures of himself for inspiration for the emotes he created.

With this being said, emotes are used primarily online in video games, and even more recently, on smartphones. An example of image-based emotes being used frequently is the chat feature on the streaming service Twitch.[4] Twitch also allows users to upload animated emotes encoded with the GIF format.[5]

The YouTube API for live chat messages seems to only ever return the message in plain text, not metadata about emotes. This itself is fine, as there is standard syntax for emotes within the plain text, but I'm struggling with how to convert those into images.

By running all steps, you'll get live messages sent in real time in JSON format, in the same way you'll get live chat messages with emotes in the format :emote: but then come the URL of the emote image. 2351a5e196

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