Conferencias plenarias



Professor Richard Tapia

University Professor, Maxfield-Oshman Chair in Engineering, Professor of Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research, Director of the Tapia Center for Excellence and Equity. Richard Tapia was born in Los Angeles, California to parents who emigrated from Mexico. In 2011 he was awarded the National Medal of Science, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on scientists and engineers. 

Richard Tapia is a member of the Optimization Group at Rice University. His research focuses on providing best possible solutions to systems described by mathematical models. Nowadays, optimization techniques are widely used in areas of industrial operations, business and financial management, engineering design and control, oil reserve exploitation, data analysis, medical imaging and treatment, to name just a few.


Dra. Gemayqzel Bouza Allende

Obtuvo su licenciatura en Matemáticas en el año 2000 en la Universidad de La Habana y su maestría un año después. En 2006 defendió su tesis doctoral en la Universidad de Twente. Trabaja en Optimización, específicamente en optimización paramétrica y algoritmos para la resolución de problemas de optimización multinivel y multiobjetivo. Desde 2013 es profesora titular en la Universidad de La Habana, donde imparte cursos sobre Optimización para estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado. Fue becaria Humboldt en 2015. En 2022 obtuvo el Premio Nacional de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Actualmente coordina el programa de maestría en Matemáticas en área de Optimización.



Phd Pedro González-Casanova Enríquez

Dr. Pedro Gonzalez Casanova did his PhD in mathematics at the University of Oxford, U. K. His research focuses on partial differential equations, inverse problems, and control problems, both from a theoretical and numerical perspective. He developed and applied Godunov type methods for hyperbolic systems (relativistic flows). A major interest of Pedro's is the formulation, analysis, and application of mesh free radial basis function methods to direct, inverse, and control PDE problems.

Pedro has published more than 30 research articles, he has presented more than 140 talks in both Mexican and international congresses and conferences. He is a reviewer for the Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society. Currently, he is a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.