EMMC International Workshop 2017

April 5-7, 2017

Vienna / Austria

EMMC RoadMap

The EMMC RoadMap recognises the importance of making advances in materials modelling to support the competitiveness of European industry. It strives to identify gaps and actions to address them based on a rich input from and discussion between the different stakeholder communities organised in the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC). The stakeholders cover the whole spectrum of the Material Modelling Community in Europe (industrial end-users, software owners, translators, modellers).

Based on intensive and numerous consultation and networking actions with representatives of all stakeholders the EMMC identifies and proposes a set of underpinning and enabling actions to increase the industrial exploitation of materials modelling in Europe. These are regularly summarised in the EMMC RoadMap for materials modelling.

The updated EMMC RoadMap proposes new topics aimed at the 2018-2020 NMBP Programme. This roadmap is also based on an extensive EMMC open survey collecting views on what materials modelling developments are required in order to respond to the application needs of the European industry. The inputs collected via this survey were used to lay-out the groundwork for elaborating the EMMC RoadMap 2016, a process which started during a meeting in Brussels on 20th May 2016, with participation (by invitation) of many active survey contributors.
