Educational Service Center of NEO

Your Digital Learning Services Coach

Stephanie DeMichele is a digital learning consultant, speaker, and coach who encourages & inspires educators to grow, to innovate, and to overcome their edtech fears when it comes to student-centered learning. In fact, she's been dubbed the "Slayer of Edtech Fears."

In her eleven years in K-12 classrooms as a high school English teacher, a gifted + talented course developer, a technology teacher, and a district technology coordinator, Stephanie has researched, tried, failed, tried again, tweaked, and evolved as a digital learner herself. She embraced digital teaching and learning with her first paperless classroom in 2008 and loves sharing her experiences and ideas--as well as those she's observed from amazing teachers--with others.

Stephanie is a Google-Certified Trainer, an ambassador for Flipgrid, Edpuzzle, Screencastify, BookCreator, and Quizlet, a Ditchbook Ambassador and a member of Matt Miller's Ditch That Textbook Speakers’ Bureau. You can connect and learn more at stephaniedemichele.org.