About Me

Emily Diane Sprowls

I'm a Faculty Lecturer in Science Education at McGill University.  I'm also a doctoral candidate in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education.  My research interests span the following areas:


Teacher Education, McGill Faculty of Education:

K-12 Education (2000-2018)

Projects & Collaborations


Research outputs

Sprowls, E. D. (2023, August 19). Learning for Ecojustice with Heads, Hearts, and Hands: Reflections on transformative sustainability learning at a summer institute for science educators. Leadership and Learning for Sustainability Blog. https://www.learn2sustain.ca/latest/64e087710764ad27db77a604

Gilbert, L., Perry, G., Sprowls, E.D., Brun, Y. (2022, June 22). Ripple Effect Episode 4: Les ScientifinesWater Rangers Blog. https://waterrangers.ca/2022/06/22/ripple-effect-episode-4-les-scientifines/


Sprowls, E. D. (2022, October 5). In times of climate crisis, what are the challenges for environmental and sustainability education research? Leadership and Learning for Sustainability Blog. https://learn2sustain.ca/latest/633d96510764ad27db77608e


Harvey, B., Sprowls, E. D., Huang, Y.-S.  (2020). School-community gardens plant the seeds of change to address global warming. The Conversation.


Sprowls, E.D. (2017). Shark Bait; Gulpers of the Gulf. Teacher at Sea Blog, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 


Sprowls, E.D. (2017). Promoting academic collaboration in Mexico using Critical Friends Group protocols. Connections, National School Reform Faculty, Bloomington IN, USA.

Academic publications

Sprowls, E. D. (2022). Bridging Boundaries Between ESE and Science Education Research and Practice through Collaborative Learning for Climate Justice. In Challenges for environmental and sustainability education research in times of climate crisis (pp. 133–136). Universiteit Gent. https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/8768733/file/8768735.pdf


Gonsalves, A. J., Sprowls, E. D., & Wiseman, D. (2021). Teaching Novice Science Teachers Online: Considerations for Practice-Based Pedagogy. LEARNing Landscapes, 14(1), 111–123. https://doi.org/10.36510/learnland.v14i1.1049


Gonsalves. A., Calvacante, A., Sprowls, E. D., Iacono, H. (2021) “Anybody can do science, if they’re brave enough”: Understanding the role of science capital in science majors’ identity trajectories into and through post-secondary science. Journal of Research Science in Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21695


Sprowls, E. D. (2020). Collaborative learning tools to foster inclusive participation and sense of belonging in a microbiology outreach partnership. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 21(1), 4. https://doi.org/10.1128/jmbe.v21i1.2079

This site is a work-in-progress and a living document

 🚧  Please bear with my construction mess as I continue to update it! 🔧

Reach out: 

Have a great resource we should add?  Or a question? Please reach out through the links below, or visit me in the garden or in room #324 in the Education Building, McGill University,  3700 McTavish, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Google Scholar profile


