Previous Work


Feb. 2018 - Sept. 2020

Research Technician - Lab Website

Using animal-borne video data recorded on CATS tags I developed a novel method for estimateing ventilation size in wild baleen whales. I measured nares expansion and inhalation duration variability between inhalations for Antarctic minke (Balaenoptera bonarensis) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). These values will promote more accurate metabolic and energetic estimates in the future. This paper is currently in review in the Journal of Experimental Biology. I also presented this work at the 2019 World Marine Mammal Conference in Barcelona, Spain.   

Apr. 2016 - Jun. 2018; 

Aug. 2020 - Dec. 2020

Stranding and Beach Survey Technician - Network Website

Was responsible for responding to reports of marine mammal carcasses within Santa Cruz County. In this role I fill out level A forms, which are later entered into the NOAA national database. This form included information such as the sex, length, level of decomposition, and signs of human interaction. As a stranding technician and volunteer I also assisted with necropsies and take stomach, tissue, fecal, and additional biological samples. 

I was also responsible for conducting beach surveys where stranded marine mammals are searched for and marine debris is collected and recorded. This information is then uploaded to the NOAA national database. These surveys are especially critical for rural beaches where marine mammal carcass reports from the community are less frequent and reliable. 

Jan. 2018 - Jun. 2018

Monterey Bay Aquarium, Sea Otter Research and Conservation Organization and USGS Intern 

Assisted with monitoring the Southern sea otter population in Monterey Bay County. Continuously monitored ~10 known rafts of Southern sea otters and identified known individuals. Using a Questar telescope known individuals were determined either by identifying unique combinations of color-coded flipper tags, or by tracking known radio frequencies that correspond to radio tags that were previously implanted in select individuals.    

Dec. 2016 - Jun. 2019

The Marine Mammal Center 

I assisted with the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of stranded marine mammals. In this position I functioned in a wide variety of roles, which included public education, animal husbandry, rescuing sick/injured animals, and aiding animal medical care. The most common species I encountered included northern elephant seals, California sea lions, harbor seals, northern fur seals, and Guadalupe fur seals.

I learned a variety of skills such as science communication, functioning both as a team leader and member, and the safe handling of wild marine mammals. 

Outreach and Community Engagement

January 2021 - Present

Santa Cruz Monterey Bay Area Subunit of the American Fisheries Society | President and PR Chair

As President, I lead the subunit in organizing events that increase participation in STEM and fisheries science, promote ocean health awareness, and provide opportunities for undergraduate students, graduate students, and the local communities to learn about and be involved in fisheries science. Previous events include: Diverse Voices in Fisheries Science seminar series, beach clean-up partnerships with local non-profits, fish printing with artist/science communicator Bruce Koike, and networking events.

Oct. 2019 - Oct. 2020; July 2021

Kayak Connection 

As an assistant manager I lead children and adults on guided kayak tours through Elkhorn Slough and Monterey Bay. I enjoyed educating the visitors about the hundreds of local marine mammal, sea bird, and invertebrate species.

This organization also enabled me to work with kids of all ages from a wide range of communities. It was an incredible opportunity to work with students from different backgrounds, and to use kayaking to expose these students to new marine science opportunities and encourage their involvement.

I was responsible for managing a team of a dozen other naturalists to safely teach renters about the water ways and safe ocean kayaking practices. I also gained crucial management and leadership skills throughout this position.

Teaching and Mentoring

Introduction to Animal and Plant Physiology and Development (BIOE 20B) Teaching Assistant

Exercise Physiology (BIOE 133/L) Teaching Assistant 

Animal Physiology (BIOE 131/L) Teaching Assistant

Marine Mammal Biology (BIOE 129/L) Teaching Assistant


Magic Mentoring | January 2022 - June 2022

Mentored a middle school student through the scientific process of experimental design and execution. Supported and guided her through blending her interests in physics and marine biology, fieldwork, and data analysis. 

Policy Work