Service & Community Engagement

A Life of Worth and Service - Social Impact & Leadership

~ Volunteerism ~

~ Leadership Positions ~

American Red Cross Blood Program Leader

 Support ML/ESL Students as an Active Civic Engagement Volunteer in Ethics of Immigration and Refugee Education

Alpha Phi Omega - Iota Tau Brother 

Legislative Advocacy at Social Work Day at the Capitol as an Active Civic Engagement Volunteer in Social Policy 

Story Partner as an Active Civic Engagement Volunteer 

Head Start Volunteer 

Northfield Public Schools Online Reading Fluency & Comprehension Tutor

Project Friendship Mentor 

Queen of Martyrs Catholic School Soccer Instructor 

Alsip-Merrionette Park Public Library Volunteer 

Vice President of College Republicans

Vice President of Service of Alpha Phi Omega

Director of Head Start

Community Outreach for Social Work and the Greater Good

Equipment Manager for St. Olaf College Rowing Club

Logistics Coordinator of Mock Trial

Vice Chair of Administration & Financials for Pre-Law Student Association

CARES Team Coordinator for Project Friendship

TAG Leadership at Alsip-Merrionette Park Public Library Youth Services 

Student Council Representative & Vice President

9/11 Memorial Displays in St.Olaf College Boe Chapel Hallway with College Republicans - 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 school years