Emily Namey, MA

Associate Director

Behavioral, Epidemiological, and Clinical Sciences at FHI 360

Emily currently serves as the Associate Director for and an Associate Scientist within FHI 360's Behavioral, Epidemiological, and Clinical Sciences division in the Global Health, Population, and Nutrition unit. She brings to these roles 20 years’ experience designing, implementing, conducting, monitoring, and disseminating qualitative and mixed methods research across a range of topic areas. Over the course of her 10+ years at FHI 360 and more than five years at Duke University, Emily has focused on health and development, both internationally and domestically, with research on issues including infectious disease, maternal and reproductive health, bioethics, economic strengthening, and child protection. Across these areas, she has an interest in and works on improving the evidence base for qualitative research methodology. She has lent her expertise in qualitative and mixed methods research/evaluation to the design and implementation of training courses in more than a dozen countries and co-authorship or contribution to several methodological textbooks. Additionally, Emily started her career in "corporate anthropology" with brief projects at Nike and Intel and retains an interest in applying human-centered design approaches to the development and delivery of products and services. She has a Master of Arts in Applied Anthropology, with emphasis on public health and medical anthropology, from Northern Arizona University.