
[01.) 2D Drawings

Module Description:
Before we launch into full-fledged design and modelling of 3D objects, it is important to get a grasp of 2D tools and processes.  Many of these components will be the foundation for creating 3D geometry, and others will translate directly into 3D processes.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Make These Shapes (1)
Problem set for understanding basic 2D functions in Rhino

3.)  Make These Shapes (2)
Problem set for understanding intermediate 2D funtions in Rhino

4.)  Processes covered in Module 1

[02.) Solid Models

Module Description:
Building upon our intro to 2D, we will begin to explore extrapolating 3D geometries from 2D drawings, and learn some tricks for creating surfaces and solids along the way.  We will use some autocad technical drawings as a base to build confidence in creating three dimensional geometry and features.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Technical Drawings (1)
Problem set for understanding dimensioning and basic 3D functions and features in Rhino

3.)  Technical Drawings (2)
Problem set for understanding intermediate 3D functions and features in Rhino

4.)  Processes covered in Module 2

[03.) Planar Models

Module Description:
We will tackle one of the most challenging forms of computer-aided design: surface modelling. To minimize the learning curve, we will be using paper as an analog for planar surfaces. Our process: create 3d (planar) geometry, deconstruct (unfold) into 2D patterns, print, assemble.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros
2.)  Papercraft Print Guide
Cheat Sheet for setting up a 2D paper template for printing

3.)  Zim and Zou and Matthew Shlian
Exemplary artists working with paper constuction

4.Processes covered in Module 3

[04.) Surface Models I

Module Description:
Building upon our experience with planar surface modelling, we will begin to explore advanced processes in surface modelling.  This is where the fun begins!  Ceramics, especially pottery (vessels and functional objects) make the perfect case study.  We will explore NURBS topologies and their application to modelling for ceramics, as well as tools for generating HD renders.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module 4

[05.) Surface Models II

Module Description:
We will continue our exploration of surface modelling, employing the tools and processes to invesigate objects from the Tony Schlachter Collection at Medalta.  Using digital calipers, and photos with scale reference, we will pull geometries from antique ceramic objects directly into Rhino.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module 5
(to be updated)

[06.) Hollow Form Prints

Module Description:
We will cover the basics of using a "slicing" software for preparing a print for an FDM 3d printer and, in particular, how to mofidy settings to create self-supporting, hollow forms and vessels. This will lead us toward quickly prototyping forms and structures for the creation of plaster molds for processes like slipcasting of press molding.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Prusa Slicer

Software for generating gcode from 3D models

3.)  Processes covered in Module

[07.) 3d Print for Slipcasting

Module Description:
FDM 3D Printing is a powerful tool for creating positives for plaster slipcast molds. We will explore the potential for rapidly prototyping and generating forms for small scale production of ceramic vessels and components.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module
(to be updated)

[8.) Clay 3D Printing I

Module Description:
We will explore the basics of generating models for clay 3d printers and preparing them for print using slicing software. This process will reveal the limitations of using traditional slicing software for clay 3d printing, and set us up for our subsequent explorations of creating our own gcode for 3d printing using Grasshopper for Rhino.

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module
(to be updated)

[09.) Grasshopper I

Module Description:
Coming soon!

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

("Getting Started" tutorials)

[10.) Grasshopper II

Module Description:
Coming soon!

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module
(to be updated)

3.) Panelling in Grasshopper (reading)

Demo files:

[11.) Clay 3D Printing II

Module Description:
Coming soon!

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module
(to be updated)

[12.) Fusion 360 CAM

Module Description:
Coming soon!

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module
(to be updated)


Module Description:
Coming soon!

Project Components:

1.)  Rhino Index
Index of all commands in Rhinoceros

2.)  Processes covered in Module
(to be updated)