1. Obstacles on the Track

One of the most common causes of a garage door going off-track is obstacles on the track itself. This can be anything from debris to an object that accidentally got in the way. Regularly inspect your garage door tracks and remove any potential obstacles.

2. Broken or Misaligned Rollers

Another common cause of an off-track garage door is broken or misaligned rollers. If these rollers are worn out or damaged, they won't be able to properly guide the door along the track, resulting in an off-track situation. Regular maintenance and inspection can help identify and address any issues with the rollers to prevent this problem.

3. Improper Spring Tension

The garage door springs play a crucial role in its smooth operation. If the springs are under too much tension or not enough tension, it can cause the door to go off-track. It's important to have a professional technician adjust and maintain the springs to ensure they are properly balanced.

Steps to Fix a Garage Door Off-track in Edmonton

If your garage door is off-track in Edmonton, here are the steps to fix it:

1. Disconnect the Door

The first step is to disconnect the garage door opener to prevent any accidental movement. This can be done by pulling the manual release cord, usually located near the opener motor.

2. Inspect the Tracks and Rollers

Next, carefully inspect the tracks and rollers for any damage or debris. Clean the tracks and lubricate the rollers if necessary. Make sure the rollers are properly aligned with the track.

3. Realign the Door

Using a sturdy ladder, carefully realign the door by manually pushing it back onto the track. This may require some force and precision, so take your time and be cautious.

4. Test the Door

After the door is back on track, test its operation by manually opening and closing it. Ensure that it moves smoothly along the track without any issues. If there are still problems, it's best to call a professional technician to inspect and repair the door.

Preventing Garage Door Off-track Issues

While fixing an off-track garage door is possible, it's always better to prevent the issue from occurring in the first place. Here are some tips to prevent your garage door from going off-track:

1. Regular Maintenance

Regularly inspect and maintain your garage door, including the tracks, rollers, and springs. Lubricate moving parts and tighten any loose bolts or screws.

2. Keep the Tracks Clear

Make sure the tracks are free from any obstructions such as debris, toys, or tools. Regularly clean the tracks to prevent build-up.

3. Professional Tuning and Adjustments

Hire a professional technician to tune and adjust your garage door regularly. They can ensure the proper tension in the springs and make any necessary adjustments to keep your door functioning smoothly.


Dealing with a garage door off-track in Edmonton can be frustrating, but with the right knowledge and steps, you can fix it yourself or seek professional help if needed. Regular maintenance and taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the chances of encountering this issue in the future. Remember to always prioritize safety and seek professional assistance whenever necessary to avoid further damage to your garage door.