
Reinventing academic assessment with the development of AI

إعادة ابتكار التقييم الأكاديمي مع تطور الذكاء الاصطناعي

Session outline:

تهدف الورشة الى تقديم الاطار النظري لاداة قياس ابذكاء الاصطناء وتطوير Rubric باللغة العربية ليتلاءم واحتياجات الساحة العربية حيث ان المقياس بين 1 الى ٥. وما يقابله من استخدام عمليتقديم مهمة بدون استخدام ادوات الذكاء الاصطناعي الى الاستخدام الكامل في المهمة

Presenter Bio:


د. زهير ناجي خليف


He is a distinguished academician with an impressive background in the field of Instructional Design, Development, and Evaluation. He holds a Ph.D. from Universiti Sains Malaysia and a Master's degree from Syracuse University, USA, cementing his expertise in these areas. Dr. Khlaif's research interests are notably diverse and forward-thinking, encompassing technology integration, the impact of artificial intelligence in education, technostress, and the digital transformation in higher education. His work also extensively covers e-learning applications in both public and higher education sectors.